(no subject)

Jun 28, 2011 20:08


Blah, blah, blah. All I noticed was the awesome Parker/Eliot scene. Parker wants to be a better person! Eliot says it's good that they are who they are because it makes them able do the hard stuff that the rest of team can't!

I've contemplated Parker/Eliot once or twice, but after this scene I think I most definitely ship it. I like Hardison, but I'm kinda over seeing badass/unconventional/morally ambigious characters turn into 'real' people thanks to their softy love interests. I'm looking strongly in your direction, Chuck and Sarah. Enough with opposites attracting and the normalizing transformative power of love! I'd rather see two slightly-to-moderately deranged characters get together because of their similarities and who don't radically change just because they're in a relationship. No sudden desire for a picket white fence and 2.5 kids. No sudden willingness to talk about their feeeeelings.

Huh. Apparently, I feel strongly about this. I'll change my mind soon enough.

Switched at Birth.

General thoughts.

Surprise Lucas Grabeel! That's always - actually, that hardly ever happens. But, anyway, nice surprise.

Wow. Bay's parents are annoying. They just stampeded into Daphne's life, didn't they? Entitlement issues!

Meanwhile, Regina has mostly avoided interacting with Bay. I get Regina's hesitation (esp. if it turns out she found out about the switch when Daphne had meningitis), but, man, that must sting! (The only time I've ever felt the connection between Regina and Bay was when we saw the picture of Regina pregnant with her. It made it real for me.) On top of that, the Kennishes are all over Daphne as if she's the golden child and I can almost understand Bay's angst.

Mostly, though, I find Bay annoying. Not everything can be solved with a good attitude, but it would certainly help in this case. So would talking to the one person who definitely understands! It kinda amazes me how little interaction we've had between them aside from Bay getting snippy. I get that it's too soon, but I hope things do change.

I think if I was still in high school I'd find Daphne annoyingly perfect, but I'm not so I don't have that problem.

I'm really glad that Daphne decided to stick with her school and not transfer. I think a lesser show would have gone that way and missed out on showing us more of Deaf culture just to have Bay being snippy with Daphne in homeroom.

Episode thoughts.

I was kinda shipping Toby with Emmett after their first meeting didn't go so well and Daphne pretended he had been complimenting Toby's pink shoes, but apparently Emmett is straight? Bay could have misinterpreted why he was looking so forlorn, though. It could really be about his fear of losing his best friend to the hearing. Even if it is unrequited love, I'm sure his fear is still the major factor in his sadness. Oh, boo. Sad!Emmett makes me sad. I want Happy!Emmett playing drums and losing that chip on his shoulder.

Ouch! Bay watching her family have a family picture without her. I'm glad Regina saw her face when that happened.

I was kinda feeling Daphne's pain, but then I remembered she'd only had 3 dates with Liam. Oh, teenagers.

I loved Daphne's line that she didn't know what Bay was to her yet. They barely know each other and yet they need each other. I cracked up at her saying she didn't knew if she liked Bay. Don't be nice. You know you have no reason to like her.

Speaking of funny, Bay apparently knows how to keep a guy interested. Yeah, that's why she and Liam are no longer together. Was that line supposed to imply sex? I can't really see it. If she wasn't just trying to faze her, I'd say what she meant was she provides excitement as in 'I keep my boyfriend on his toes with all my crazy drama.' Oh, teenagers.

The 9 Lives of Chloe King.

Stupid 'Pretty Little Liars' and 'Switched At Birth' for making me think that this ABC Family show had a chance of being any good.

For a second I wondered if I was being too harsh. Would Buffy or Roswell or Smallville have stood a chance with me if it premiered now? But then I thought, nah, I'm being fair. Vampires, aliens, okay. But how am I supposed to take cat people seriously? Cat people! And while it's nice to see teens actually beings teens on TV they aren't exactly fun or compelling that way.

Though, I will say that there's something about Skyler Samuel (aka Chloe King) that I like. I'm not quite sure there's a basis for it, but there you go. I'd like her a lot more once she's had some experience under her belt which is kinda how I feel about Chloe King, actually.

Also, count me in as not particularly enthused at either potential love interest. Especially, Alek, who will inevitably get a shot at her but only because he's one of the few guys on earth she can actually have sex with. Score! =(

Although, it seems Scar Face was the one acutally responsible for Xavier's death. It would be awesome if it turned out The Order created the lie that the Mai can't have sex outside their race. Awesomely fucked up.

It'd be believable if throughout history the Mai were insular and only once they started being killed off did they attempt to reproduce with humans. The Order could have just put out the crazy idea by killing off the first few human sexual partners of the Mai. Then BAM! Rumors! Terror! Okay, maybe it's not feasible. But I think it would be damn funny if Chloe went a long time thinking she could only have sex with a very select number of people that she's not interested in while the whole time she could have been having indiscriminate sex just like her peers making love to her soulmate!

Falling Skies.

I haven't seen the latest episode, but so far I have to say I expected more. I'm feeling slightly below neutral about the show. There's aliens! Humanity under seige! And yet all there really is to say about the show is that the cast has people from ER, Hairspray, and Journeyman.

switched at birth, falling skies, 9 lives of chloe king, leverage

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