I was scrolling goodreads today and caught an ad for this book ->
Everything I Needed to Know about Women I Learned by Reading Twilight: A Vampire's Guide to Eternal Love. "Have you ever wondered why Twilight, the popular vampire romance series, has had such a strong pull on millions of readers? After years of successfully counseling couples through marital challenges, Jim Lee, Ph.D., believes he knows why. It's because Twilight accurately captures in fictional form the seven things a woman really wants from a man. "
Oh. I guess women want men with...
1) $$$$$$
2) a wan complexion
3) control issues
4) perpetual Biology and Algebra homework
5) extraordinary stalker skills
6) the ability to cockblock *themselves*
7) homicidal urges
Mmmmm, it's love.
I was always a Jacob girl myself, but of course Meyer had to fuck that up too starting with that disgusting forced kiss.