ANNOUNCEMENT: Alas, I will be out of town for a couple weeks so the season finale picspam will be much, much later than usual.
I would say this episode reminded me of why I love this show but that would be a lie. I don't need to be reminded. I love this show like burning. How can I forget?
Sarah: I don’t know which one is his.
Derek: Does it matter? Grass. Trees. Could be worse.
Sarah: Could.
Derek: My brother buried out there, I thought that counted for something between us.
Sarah: Well, John counts for more. And you kept too many secrets for my taste.
I really wish we could have seen this relationship develop more. I don't even mean from a romantic perspective. I wanted Derek to earn her trust back, dammit.
Derek: Sorry about Charley.
John: Well, everybody dies for me, right?
Derek: John.
Oh, Emo!John. Did anyone get the feeling that as much as Derek hurts for John, he also wants him to STFU already? Maybe I'm projecting.
Weaver: Why were you talking to John Henry during class?
Savannah: I was teaching him words to a song.
Weaver: What song?
Savannah: The one daddy used to sing. I wanted John Henry to sing it with me.
Weaver: John Henry would never hurt you. But there are some people who wouldn’t understand him and people are afraid of things they don’t understand.
Savannah: If they knew him, they’d like him.
Weaver: That may be, but for now I don’t want you to talk to anyone about him. Is that clear?
Terminators are great father figures, aren't they?
John Henry: Do you think my brother looks like me?... I wonder how similar his data is to my data. I wonder if we share the same thoughts.
John Henry: I need to know what my brother is thinking, Mr. Ellison. I need to know what he plans to do. I don’t want to die again.
His near death experience could go either way. It can make him better understand humanity or do whatever it takes against humanity so it doesn't happen to him again.
Savannah: I’m scared.
John Henry: Do as I say and you will not be harmed. But you’ll have to finish your homework later.
Savannah: Where’s Debbie?
John Henry: Debbie’s in the foyer. We’re not going that way.
Savannah: Where do I go now? John Henry?
I love their friendship. He IM's her during class and teaches her new words like 'simultaneously.' And when he's being a really great friend, he prevents her from being murdered.
Two small details I liked: He kept her away from the dead body and Savannah made sure to take her giraffe with her.
I agree with what everyone has said about his death scene. It was matter of fact, no fanfare, no foreshadowing. Just BAM! Dead. Such a refreshing change from the standard tv death.
Oh, Derek. I wish you would have stayed around longer if only for the strangely charged moments with Sarah and Cameron.
Summer Glau will kick your ass.
Sarah: Keep moving.
Survive now, grieve later.
I know John Henry is just astonished that there's another one like him (again), but nonetheless I can't help but wonder what the courtship of two cyborgs would look like.
John Henry: Mr. Ellison, you’re asking me to keep a secret. You tell me it’s wrong to lie yet you keep doing it.
Ellison: I know what I said, John Henry, but in this case a lie might save someone.
John Henry: Is Sarah Connor going to hurt Savannah?
Ellison: No.
John Henry: Would she harm me?
Ellison: Why do you ask that?
John Henry: She blew up CyberDyne. She killed Miles Dyson. His work is in my code.
Indeed. Watch yourself, John Henry. Sarah Connor does not take prisoners.
Savannah hopes her giraffe can protect her from this band of weirdos.
Sarah: What’s your deal with ZeiraCorp?
Ellison: I work there. What were you doing at the Weaver house? Why’d you take the girl?
Sarah: To protect her.
Ellison: From who?
Sarah: From one of them.
Sarah: Listen to me. Derek’s dead. Charley’s dead.
Sarah: I told you to stay out of this.
Ellison: I tried. Everywhere I turn there you are.
Sorry, Savannah. But Sarah Connor doesn't care how nice John Henry is. Hell, she still thinks of Cameron as 'one of them.'
Weaver: The security footage from the house. I need to see it.
John Henry: I can’t access it right now.
Weaver: Why not?
John Henry: The files were corrupted. A faulty sector on one of the drives. I’m working to repair it.
'I'm not lying! Can't you see my smile of sincerity?'
Savannah: That man that got hurt at my house. Was he your friend?
John: Yeah, he was.
Savannah: I’m sorry.
John: Me too.
John: Who’s John Henry?
Savannah: He’s my friend at my mommy’s work... He can’t leave. There’s a cord in the back of his head.
John: A cord? ... Do other people talk to John Henry?
Savannah: Mr. Ellison.
John: Mr. Ellison?
Savannah: He works for my mommy. He teaches John Henry stuff.
John: What kind of stuff?
I love how teenagers act towards children. Like they weren't children themselves just a few years ago. 'Oooh, your IMAGINARY friend. How cute.'
Weaver: Someone needs to protect John Henry.
Ellison: John Henry?! This is your daughter. There’s a machine out there looking for you. You need to protect her.
Weaver: What you need to understand, Mr. Ellison, what I believe you’re beginning to understand, is that when my behavior implies that I value John Henry’s survival more than that of my own daughter it’s not because I love John Henry more than Savannah. It’s because I believe Savannah’s survival may someday depend on John Henry’s survival and because I believe that your survival may someday depend on John Henry’s survival.
Not to mention your own, eh?
John: I don’t think it’s Cromartie. I think it’s something else. Something bigger. Something worse.
Cameron: I should have killed him. I’m going to kill him.
Sarah: You’re not going to kill him.
Cameron: He can’t be trusted.
Sarah: No one can be trusted.
Cameron: But I only want to kill him.
Sarah: No one’s going to be killed!
Killing everybody who lies would be too time consuming.
Sarah: We don’t kill just to kill.
Cameron: I never have.
Weaver: When you told me the security tapes were corrupted you were lying to me for Mr. Ellison.
John Henry: And I’m lying to him for you. What would happen if he knew?
John Henry: Mr. Ellison taught me that human life is sacred.
Weaver: Perhaps it’s necessary to sacrifice Savannah for the greater good. The greater good is keeping you safe.
John Henry: In the elevator, you told Mr. Ellison that Savannah’s depended upon my survival.
Weaver: Yes, I did.
John Henry: But you didn’t say my survival depended on hers.
Weaver: It doesn’t.
John Henry: There was a bible story about two brothers: Cain and Abel. God favored Abel. Cain killed him. God cursed Cain and ordered him to wander the world alone... Which brother am I?
Weaver: I don’t know, John Henry. Perhaps you’re neither. Perhaps in this story you are God.
I think John Henry's survival does depend on Savannah. His desire to protect her may go a way towards convincing John (never going to happen with Sarah) that John Henry does not have to be eliminated. But it's interesting that Weaver disagrees.
John: It was not my idea to ditch you and Derek. I thought you were going to meet you in the desert and my mom took this detour off to Charley’s. I thought you knew.
Cameron: You’ll miss him.
John: Well, there’s no use crying about it, is there? I’m sure future me would kick my ass if I did.
Cameron: Future you knows what it means to lose people you love. It happens to him too.
Cameron: Your mother ditched us because she was going to ditch you. She was going to leave you with Charley.
John: No. No, that’s insane.
Cameron: She’s lost weight.
John: What?
I have expected her to go 'You don't need to apologize to me. You do realize I'm a cyborg right? No feelings to get hurt? Ring a bell?' But I love that he felt the need to apologize and explain.
Cameron lets him know he's going to lose his mother soon. Sooner than they both think.
Ellison: John, I swear I didn’t know.
John: I’ll kill you! Let go of me. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you.
As soon as I saw that guy at the stand I was sure she wasn't going to make it to the door. I thought she was going to get shot. Did not expect her to open it to find a squadron of cops waiting for her.
So who called? Did the detective trail Ellison? Did Weaver make the call?
Sigh. I love this shot. John keeps losing people left and right and with every one he comes closer to his future of being a leader, all alone.
I just down from the Isle of Skye
I'm no very big but I'm awful shy
All the lassies shout as I walk by,
"Donald, Where's Your Trousers?"
Let the wind blow high and the wind blow low
Through the streets in my kilt I go
All the lassies cry, "Hello!
Donald, where's your trousers?"
I went to a fancy ball
It was slippery in the hall
I was afeared that I may fall
Because I nay had on trousers
I went down to London town
To have a little fun in the underground
All the Ladies turned their heads around, saying,
"Donald, where's your trousers?"
The lassies love me every one
But they must catch me if they can
You can’t put the brakes on a highland man, saying,
"Donald, where's your trousers?"
I love how this show uses music! Unexpectedly good voices on John Henry and Savannah.
Another unmarked grave for a brave soldier.
And now we all bite our nails for what happens next week! And after that we'll all hope against hope that this show will be renewed!