Oooh, the Twilight parallels that I kept seeing! Sookie is a very ordinary girl and yet she's *very* special, too! Even the new vampire in town quickly realizes this about her! She is instantly drawn to him, partly because he's the only person whose mind she can't read! Bill the Vampire (no really) warns her that vampires can't be trusted since they turn on people all the time. Don't worry. It doesn't say much, but both manage to be more interesting and tolerable than Edward and Bella. But there's a lot more going on.
The big backstory is that vampires have "come out of the coffin" recently and people have been reacting as they often do - with distrust, fascination, and bigotry! Then of course there's everything else that is going on in the little town Sookie lives in with a lot of larger than life (read: annoying) characters.
At the end of the episode, I felt like I had no idea what I just watched. I agree with a lot of the other reviews out there that the pilot failed to have a consistent tone. There was something embarassingly unreal about a lot of the scenes and characters when I could feel the writers were aiming for genuine small town life! And of course there was the gratuitous (even by HBO standards) sex scenes, embarassingly funny vampire fangs, and disturbingly odd opening credits.
Still, I am compelled to find out what happens next.