VM Season Finale.
I'm curious how other people are going to feel about this episode.
Personally? Not very impressed.
Out of all the theories that have been floating around, having Aaron as the killer was one of the least interesting. C'mon, how about Celeste or Lianne? But Aaron? And the motive being because he was doing Lilly? All it really achieves is the killer ending up being a big bad and making things simple like Veronica would have wanted. Aaron's the abusive father who fucked his son's girlfriend, taped the sex, and then killed her for the stolen tapes. Can you get much more worse than that? So much for grey. So much for not making assumptions about people. And the whole chase to kill scene furthered the whole horror/drama contemporary blah movie feel to it. VM can do better. There's been all this build-up for this and yeah it got hyped in our heads, but it really *could* have been done better. It was just rushed all over the place with one revelation after another with little reaction time.
And wow. While Duncan had several tons of weight lifted off of him (he didn't kill his sister, he didn't fuck his other sister), Logan seemed to pick it up instead (read above on Aaron and Lilly. Logan is now parentless. Veronica had zero faith in him. He's suicidal. Seems about to get seriously slaughtered by Weevil & co.). Sucks to be Logan. He deserves offical woobification at this point. He's going to be so fucked up next season. And probably won't touch Veronica with a ten-foot pole. (' Logan, I'm going to go home and put my head in the oven because I can't go on living knowing what a heartless bitch I am!) Just a guess. Can't really blame him. He sure picks 'em, no? I say he give guys a chance. And, well, ... there's Duncan. Just an idea!
Meanwhile, Duncan is considerably less fucked up in the blink of the eye. That doesn't mean all the trauma just goes away, though. Veronica can relate. I can't help feel disappointed that the incest angst didn't get a little more mileage. Another faux!incest plot on tv.
I love Veronica and Keith's relationship and that's one of the major things about this show so yay to that waving flag. But it was seriously over the top at points. I'm talking 'Frequency' over the top with the parent/child love.
Weevil. Another conclusion-jumping fellow. It's not up to you to bring justice to Lilly's murderer. You may have loved her, but she didn't love you. And you don't even have facts, just an overheard conversation. Pisses me off.
Yay for Keith and Alicia. Because Lianne is an alcoholic, quitting, abandoning, check/future-for-daughter stealing bitch. Gee, another black hat. Although, I can't imagine next season with her and of course Veronica wasn't ever going to get that happy ending she always wanted and hoped for deep down.
Also, Lilly having an affair with Aaron doesn't surprise me, but it doesn't endear me to her either. VM made me love her, fanfic made me dislike her, and this latest revelation with Aaron while it doesn't surprise me, doesn't endear me to her either. Apparently, she was a kickass wildchild and everything. Yay for that. But she was a selfish bitch too, and flaws may be shiny but sometimes they're just ugly. But I do love what she meant to Veronica. What she meant to everyone really.
Veronica really reminded me of Buffy/SMG at several points and I can't help but associate that as being a bad thing.
As for the 'cliffhanger' the options seem to be most likely Duncan, Logan, or Wallace at her door. I'm going with Wallace. Blah.
So... goodbye to Lilly? But - but I don't want to part with the flashbacks and pre murder!Logan, Duncan, and Veronica *pout*