I have abused my power forgive me You mean we actually are all one

Apr 14, 2005 11:05

SV. Onyx.


Lex: If this works I'll leave a mark on the world that no one will ever forget.


Lex: We were conducting an experiment.
Clark: I'm guessing it didn't go well
Lex: Not exactly as I hoped, but it was worth the risk.
Chloe: I'm sure it was -- to LuthorCorp's bottom line.
Lex: To the world, Chloe.

Granted, Chloe has had quite the entanglements with the Luthors, but her being on the Jonathan Kent side of "How Do We Feel About Lex?" now annoys me. It's to be expected that she'd be wary of Lex now that she knows Clark's secret and what's at stake, but before, *she* was the one who threatening it all by digging into Clark's past, you know?

Lex: I really think you're going to like this one.
If you're talking about this episode, then 'like' is an understatement.

It's probably just coincidental, but I like the visual of Lex's black suit side by side to a white lab coat on the coat hanger.


Chloe: Is he alright?
Lex: Not feeling a thing.
Chloe: Well, I was hoping I could maybe talk to him.
Lex: He's sleeping now. Maybe you should come back later when he's feeling a little more alive.

Two of my favorite things about Evil!Lex so far has to be his tranquility while doing evil deeds and his dark humor.

And lovely slo-mo shot of Lex looking at Chloe as he walks away, Sinclaire coding in the background.


Lex: Taste it. It was grown from irradiated seeds.
Clark: Something's wrong. It tastes --
Lex: Rotten. That's what we've been wrestling with. See, we've successfully destroyed the genes that make the plant weak giving it the ability to thrive under the harshest conditions but the process also effects the fruit it bears and not for the better.

What this episode is all about. What's inherent and what can and can not be changed. Destroying weakness. Harsh conditions. Apple not falling fall far from the tree. All good.


Good!Lex: I admit I had my doubts about the motives behind your sudden philanthropy, but I've seen the joy helping the less fortunate is bringing you. Dad, I'm -- I'm proud of you.
Luthor: Thank you, Lex. I'm truly grateful. For everything.

Damn. They had a father - son moment ::sniff:: Lex believed in him, told him he was proud of him, and all this progress is snatched away later on. Fate is not on your side.

Evil!Lex: Hello, me ::pistol whips Good!Lex:: Meet the real you.
Best. introduction. ever.


Good!Lex: Who are you?
Evil!Lex: Ah, that's a question I've been struggling with for years. Remember the last time we were in this room? Dad told us not to play down here but I whispered in your ear to do it anyway.
Good!Lex: The door blew shut, locking me in. No one could hear me.
Evil!Lex: You were so frightened. A scared trembling child. I hated you for that.
Good!Lex: My God. You're me.
Evil!Lex: No, Lex. I'm much, much more.

Good!Lex: The explosion in the lab --
Evil!Lex: Freed me from your weakness. At last I can embrace my true destiny.

Evil!Lex: Yeah, okay. C'mon! You can do it! Stop me! C'mon! You disappoint me ... as always.

Good!Lex: You can't keep me locked down here forever.
Evil!Lex: Why? No one heard our screams when we were a child and no one will hear yours now. Just like in that Dumas story. Always one of our favorites, wasn't it? King Louis XIV imprisons his twin brother in the bastille, forcing him to live out his final days behind an iron mask. See, most people think Louis did it to hide his brother's true identity, but we know better. He did it because he couldn't stand looking at such a pale reflection of his true greatness. It's good to be the king.

::dies:: Just brilliant. I've never been so in love and heartbroken and captivated by Lex before. As if that was even possible. MR just nails it! Good!Lex is on the floor, looking defeated, weak, his vulnerability clear in his eyes. Evil!Lex is smiling psychotically, taking every bit of pleasure in this, in telling his other half how disgusted he is with him, in being *free*. I loved the bit about the Dumas story, how that's their favorite, and the true purpose of the mask.

'I'm much, much more.' Yes, just yes! Evil!Lex, I throw my panties at you.

Lex: I guess it's up to me to show the world the real Lex Luthor.
Yes, kick Clark's ass! ::cough:: I mean -- no, no, I *do* mean 'kick Clark's ass.'


Clark: Well, there must be a way to figure out the timeline.
Chloe: There is a Smallville Medical Center has a surveillance system which as far as you know I've never hacked into because that would be wrong.

Esp. wrong to hack in to order to see glimpses of Naked!Clark from 'Crusade,' which of course she would never do! Never!


Lana: Lex. What are you doing here?
Lex: I got a message on my cell that you wanted to see me.
Lana: So you just left yourself in?
Lex: My bad. Would you like me to go?
Lana: No, no, it's okay. You just kinda surprised me.
Lex: I've been doing that to a lot of people. So what can I do for Miss Lang this afternoon?
Lana: I want to talk to you about Jason.
Lex: Oh. Him.
Lana: I really appreciate everything you've already told me about Jason and his mom, but do you really think --
Lex: What I think, Lana, is that you deserve better. You deserve to be with someone who recognizes how extraordinary you really are.
Lana: Lex, what are you doing?
Lex: What I've always wanted to ::Lana slaps him:: Well, I do like them feisty.
Lana: Get out of my apartment.
Lex: If that's how you want to play it. Oh, by the way, I'm closing the Talon.
Lana: What? You can't do that.
Lex: Hmm, I think I can.
Lana: Lex, this is my home. Where am I supposed to go?
Lex: That's up to you, isn't it? Lana, you can live like a queen by my side or get tossed out with the rest of the garbage. Why don't you think about it. I know I will.

And the ep was doing so well! But here they kinda drop the ball. For god sakes, writers, their relationship has evolved through the years, and has places to explore, possibilities, there are issues, dammit, but apparently that couldn't help you at all when it came to writing a scene with Evil!Lex and Lana. The best you can do is for Lex to say 'hey join me as my queenie or you're sleeping in a cardboard box'?

Now, unlike the majority of on-line fandom, of course I buy Lex's feelings for Lana. And yes I don't doubt his dark side would be interested in her as well. How could he not be tempted in perverting her innocence? In seducing her into the darker side of things? But she'd never come close to really converting to evil. And I don't buy that *Evil!Lex* would want her by his side.

And apparently he can't even seduce her properly? He has to threaten her? What?! It's Lex. Evil!Lex. There aren't enough pheromones in the world to top that. Instead why didn't he bring up the fact that he knows she's thought about this too? Thought about them or thought about what's driving his actions towards her? Why not bring up Nicodemus? It would have been a nice parallel.

However, I was amused 1) at his disappointment and annoyance that she was talking to him about another guy 2) That Lex actually said "my bad" and 3) That "flirt" is on that poster on the door behind Lex. On a shallow note, why is that ugly ass ring still on your finger, Lana?

Otherwise, blah. I couldn't enjoy a brief kiss that came in from a weird angle and one that occurred under piss poor seduction circumstances. On the positive side, at least there was Esthero playing in the background?


Lex: Now what's your problem with me this time, old man?
Lionel: It was your offer to hold the fundraiser at LuthorCorp Plaza and then you go behind my back and cancel the whole thing. Why would you do that?
Lex: "Because helping those who refuse to help themselves is a waste of time and money, son!" Isn't that what the old Lionel Luthor used to say?
Lionel: I've changed. People change, Lex.
Lex: No, they don't. They just get soft. Like you. Alright, dad. I'll let you have your blue plate charity soirée. I'll even make a generous contribution.
Lionel: And what would I have to do in exchange of this contribution ::throws him a fencing sword::
Lex: I want you to prove you're still worthy to be my father.
Lionel: Are you insane? Lex?
Lex: No, just curious.

Lex: Is your miraculous transformation into the man in the white suit genuine or is it all just an act? Do you know the answer to the question or have you been too afraid to ask? What's inside you, dad? Is it really just puppies and hugs now or is there something else twisting in your gut squirming to be free? I knew you were in there somewhere, father. You should have stayed in prison. You were safer there ::makes cut with sword on his father's cheek::

SwordFencing!Evil!Lex. Kinks all around tonight.

Do I even have words? Lex ends up being responsible for Lionel's return to the dark side. Wow. I could never have dreamed to hope such a wonderful thing. To varying degrees, they've made each other into monsters.


Lana: Clark, when I got home Lex was in my apartment. The way he was acting, it was like he was a totally different person.
Clark: Maybe he was.
Lana: Do you think maybe he's having another psychotic break?
Clark: It's more complicated than that.
Lana: It always is, isn't it? You think you know someone but there's this side of them you never see until it's too late.
Clark: Well, you certainly seen me at my worst.
Lana: And at your best.

Continuity, my friend!

I love how much it's getting to Lana thinking about not knowing a a side of someone until it's too late. And it's so very much *not* about Clark, but of course in his head it's always about his secret. But Lana is realizing what exactly? How Lex feels? The depth of his dark side? How not noticing this earlier is what is going to cost them their friendship? Has cost them? Or is she thinking about Isabelle?


Clark: Lex, Doctor Sinclaire is dead. Someone murdered him.
Lex: Clark, who would do something like that?
Clark: Well, you would. Well, I mean this someone who looks like you.

Lex: What are you saying? This other Lex is some sort of copy?
Clark: I think he's a part of you that split off.

Clark: How will I know it's you?
Lex: We can always try a secret handshake, but I'd like to think you know me better than anyone after all these years. Clark, this whole mess is my fault. I'll put an end to all of it tonight.

Clark tries to be smart and careful, but fails again. Keep trying, kiddo.


Clark: Chloe, what are you doing?
Chloe: Snooping where I don't belong. I'm thinking of making a career out of it.
Clark: Well, Lex said he was going to be right back.
Chloe: How can you be sure it's really him?
Clark: I was careful. Besides I think I know my own friend.
Chloe: Clark, how many times has your friend done something underhanded that you didn't expect? People have a lot of different sides and sometimes they keep those sides hidden even from the ones that they love.
Clark: Sometimes you have to even if that's not what you want.
Chloe: Yeah, but sooner or later you have to trust someone with what's in your heart otherwise you're going to end up going through life alone.

Clark, you moron.

Chloe, he'll tell you when he's ready. So, really, stop. Now.


Chloe: Good thing our ex-quarterback can move so fast.
Clark: Well, not fast enough.
Chloe: Clark, I can live with a couple of bruises considering the alternative. You're always there when I need you, Clark. I just hope one day I can do the same for you.
Clark: Right now I just want to make sure you're safe.

Okay, now *this* is cute and caring. But not much else for me. And another anvil of doom for Chloe?


Clark: The real Lex would never try to kill me or Chloe.
Evil!Lex: Oh, you're probably right. But he's thought about it! All the times you've meddled in his plans, derailed his ambitions, he's thought of killing all of you. Just never had the guts to go through with it.

Evil!Lex: Don't be modest, Clark. We both know you're much more than that. It all makes sense now. That first day on the bridge where we met, how you were able to save me when my car went into the river. All the other miraculous times you appeared at just the right place in just the right moment. Almost as if you possessed the abilities beyond those of mortal men. You lied to me for years Clark. ::whispers:: But now I know your secret.

Evil!Lex: I should have figured it out a long time ago. All the pieces were there, but I was blinded by friendship, a factor that has been removed from the equation.
Clark: Whatever you are, whatever you are planning, I'm going to stop you.
Evil!Lex: No, you aren't. You're going to join me.
Clark: What?
Evil!Lex: Think about it, Clark. My intellect, your powers, together we could rule this world. We will walk as gods among men.

Evil!Lex: Every man has a weakness, Clark. No matter how superhuman he may be. I've embraced my destiny. Now embrace yours. We can forge a new future together.
Clark: I'll never join you.

Martha: What do you want?
Lex: The world, Mrs. Kent. And your son is going to me bring it to its knees.

Evil!Lex: You were right about me all along Mr. Kent. I am the villain of the story.

Evil!Lex loves his sparkly new piece of jewelry. He wears his kryptonite ring proudly. That's right!

The Kents, Clark, and Lex. Their worst fear: the truth exposed. A showdown. Eep! Another one of those scenes that is still good for words.

Lex wants Clark as his right hand. Now *that* makes sense. And everything Jonathan feared is right there in front of him. And now doesn't Jonathan seem like less of an asshole even if he was only half right? Nothing like having your nightmare realized to make you seem less paranoid.

I was a little distracted in this scene because I kept wondering if the writers would ruin it by having Chloe miraculously re-appear to clobber Lex from behind. I wanted this to remain Clark vs. Lex. No Chloe. No Lana. Just Clark and Lex. Thankfully, it did remain that way.


Evil!Lex: I offered you a chance at greatness and this is what you do with it. I want you to remember this day, Clark. I want you to remember that despite your amazing powers there was one man that beat you. Maybe this was always our destiny. How sad.

Good!Lex: Let's see what happens to me if you die.
Evil!Lex: You can't kill me! I drive you! I give your life meaning. I am your soul, you weak pathetic little man. I'm the real Lex Luthor!

The other part of the episode I'm unhappy with. I wanted us to see Good!Lex put up a fight, for us to know there is a struggle. That Evil!Lex doesn't win hands down with little effort. But Clark interferes before we get to witness any of Good!Lex's potential strength.


Clark: It's not much to look at, is it?
Lex: Broken dreams seldom are, Clark. I want to say thank you for saving me but words seem too small. Without you I would have been lost. You're a true friend.

Clark: You might want to talk to Lana when you get a chance.
Lex: He didn't hurt her, did he?
Clark: Well, I'm not sure what happened, but she seemed pretty upset.


Lex: Hi.
Lana: Hey.
Lex: As far as awkward moments go this is definitely memorable.
Lana: Chloe filled me in on what happened.
Lex: I wish I could remember exactly what my other half did so I could apologize properly. I just hope it wasn't anything we can't get past.
Lana: Well, as long as you're not closing the Talon and kicking me out.
Lex: I said that?
Lana: Along with expressing certain ... desires.
Lex: Lana, I'm sorry. It wasn't me.
Lana: Are you sure?
Lex: Look whatever my feelings are I'd never do anything to jeopardize our friendship.
Lana: I know.
Lex: I really am sorry ::he leaves::
Lana: So am I.

This scene completely and utterly makes up for the previous L/L scene. It *is* unbearably awkward between them and I love that. I love that he doesn't know exactly where he stands with her or how to fix it when he doesn't know yet what he did. There's all this uncertainty swimming around and with uncertainty there's fear and I love seeing Lex dealing with that. They're off-balance together and it gives them a kind of equality they don't usually get to have.

His first concern was that he had physically hurt Lana. And then he's afraid that he's hurt their friendship, though honestly, that seems to be half-dead this season anyway, among other reasons, Lex's concern for her not seeming to be a blip on the radar compared to his agenda most of the time. They had direction at the end of S3 and it just got lost this season, but this moment just seemed to bring the path right back up. So maybe we could stick with their relationship this time and not let it get lost? Please?

And Lana. Her voice changed when she said 'desires.' She can't deny that whisper in her ear anymore. The one that suspected the possibility at the time of 'Nicodemus.' That was confirmed in 'Talisman' that whatever this was it was about her, not Clark. And now here in 'Onyx' that it isn't just about friendship. She was in shock enough in 'Talisman' that indeed she mattered so much to him, and now this. I guess she has to think about what this all might mean.

But I'm confused by her sorry and for how thoughtful she was when talking to Clark about discovering sides before it's too late. Is this sadness and reflection about feeling the need to re-access their friendship, wondering about Lex's past motives in doing things? Or is she worried how this will complicate their friendship and that it can't possibly end well, and she doesn't want to lose him? She was almost angry with him for him feeling this way and how these 'complications' might end up screwing her over in the future (again) via their connection of the Talon for one. Time to move out, no? Seriously.


Lex: Dad, your cheek.
Lionel: It's a wake up call and I'm grateful for that.
Lex: Look, whatever I've done in the last few days --
Lionel: Please, no need for an apology. Quite the contrary. I must say you've finally proved yourself to be the son I've always wanted. And I thank you for showing me so clearly the error of my ways.
Lex: What are you talking about?
Lionel: I'm closing down the foundation immediately.
Lex: What? You can't. The charity is your life.
Lionel: Just a foolish dream. I'm awake now. A man can't deny his true nature, can he, Lex? No. We're Luthors ::Lex takes offered glass:: We're Luthors.

Fate, you cruel bitch.


I can't imagine another episode packing as much punch as this did. We got to see so much. Just how much of a threat Lex could be to Clark and to the world. See what he really is capable when he has nothing holding him back. And though Clark has been warned, and even we know what he's supposedly going to be capable of, we don't quite believe it. But now we've seen it. We've seen a little bit of the future. And it was spectacular! And, um, wrong. Wrongity, wrong, wrong. Bad Lex! No world domination for you.


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