Please excuse my rambling because all together I haven't had one full meal today.
ST:TOS is on. Episode entitled 'The Immunity Syndrome.' And yes, I did have to look that up. Bitch, please. I don't even know all the Buffy and Angel title names. I'm just *never* hard core enough for you people, am I? =P
*Anyway*, caught the ep in time for this:
Spock: You speak about the objective hardness of the Vulcan heart. Yet how little room there seems to be in yours.
And of course I can't help but think of a situation where another Vulcan in particular would get to say something like that to a particular human.
And just because it had to be said eventually, the last few episodes of ST: Enterprise have been slash-errfic! Woah to the Malcolm/Captain slashiness. So many psv's and the boiling over of emotions thanks to the horrible, horrible betrayal. Angst always kicks things up a notch. All their scenes greatly amused me and made me go 'awww' at the same time, esp. since the first Ent ep that I really paid attention to was very Malcolm/Jonathon heavy (Minefield).
Also, love how many scenes Trip and Hoshi got to have in The Observer Effect. I love their vibe. And when Hoshi had a mindmeld with T'Pol I about died. Somewhere in the end of last season the thought of Hoshi/Trip/T'Pol popped into my head. Not quite sure why since it's just so strange. Well, maybe because Hoshi needed some serious recovery after her ordeal with the Xindi. And hey, who's good at recuperating humans? Why, T'Pol! Except I can't imagine Hoshi being too comfortable in her presense so a sort of buffer would be needed and who would be the logical choice? Trip. Yeah, I don't know. My head just went there and I tend to go with it or it hurts me with the chemicals.
And now Hoshi was present for their dream-bond-connection thingy. See? She *is* the middleman.
Speaking of the dream, I wasn't expecting them to go there but I've been pleasantly surprised by the Trip/T'Pol interaction this season when I was expecting *doom.* It's just good all around.Trip's decision to leave Ent even though after the Xindi attack he said he couldn't imagine serving anywhere else. Not being able to tell his best friend who demands a reason on why he's doing this. T'Pol inquiring if Trip's settling in to his new surroundings, etc. And I'm too tired to really go into it. But squees where one would expect squees.
How fitting (on more than one level). Just went to and what's the word of the day but 'harbinger'.
harbinger \HAR-bin-jer\ noun
1 : one that pioneers in or initiates a major change : precursor
2 : one that presages or foreshadows what is to come
And gakked from
Can sci-fi fans face the future? I've only read a couple other articles quoting JB and I never esp. liked what she had to say, but here? *hug*
A non ST snippet that got my attention: "...the restoration of Quantum Leap (soon to be revived yet again as an all-new series)..." I heard about it becoming a movie, but I never heard about it becoming an all-new series. Strange.
Nocturne was on tonight on ABC Family. How could I *not* stay tuned to see the Lex/Lana scene? God, I forgot how enjoyable the past seasons where esp. in regard to the L/L. S1-3 they were in this place, separately and together, that I had no trouble picturing their relationship progressing, even if slowly. But now... with Lana's relationship to Jason, Lana's distrust of Lex, and Lex being more interested in whatever is his current agenda rather than anything or anyone else... It's a lot harder for me to see. Not that I still don't love their scenes together.
Aside from the L/Lness (Lex reciting poetry? *thud* Poetry as seduction? double *thud* Lex's patented hold-that-stare? triple *thud*), what cracks me about this scene is how clearly it shows how Clark barely counts as competition next to Lex. Kind of, uh, raises the bar for any other contenders, doesn't it, Clark?
Transcript from
smallville fan fiction resources:
Lana: No problem. (She walks to the bar where Lex is holding the letter from Byron. He holds it up to her) It's kind of personal. (She grabs for it and he pulls it away, smiling. She shrugs) Go ahead and read it. You'll probably agree with Clark that it's sappy.
Lex's smile widens as he opens the envelope and pulls out the letter.
Lex: The, uh, imagery is a little naive, but the meter's actually quite sophisticated. Who wrote this?
Lana: Either an admirer or a psychopath, depending on who you ask.
Lex: That had a little edge to it. Is everything all right?
Lana: Everyone's giving me a hard time about the poem. I guess I'm just a little defensive.
Lex: (Reciting) 'Take me to you, imprison me, for I never shall be free, nor ever chaste, except you ravish me.'
Lana: John Donne. He's one of my favorites.
Lex: If I didn't know better, I'd say I found your Achilles' heel.
Lana: I didn't realize you were so into poetry.
Lex: Anyone who doesn't appreciate poetry doesn't understand that it's all about seduction.
Clark enters.
Lana: (To Clark) It's nice some people appreciate artistic expression.
Lex: (He hands the poem back to Lana and looks at Clark) Kind of, uh, raises the bar for any other contenders, doesn't it, Clark?
Lex leaves.
Rented two discs (2 & 3) of Arrested Development over the weekend. My interest was peaked after much squeeing about the show on my flist and catching a couple of eps while I was away. And with 1 disc down, 1 left to go, I can now say I have a crush on Jason Bateman = \ Also, caught Sunday's episode and um, where the hell did Maeby's freckles go?
I think I'm going to collapse now.