Smallville. Bound aka Sex Is Bad.
Well, that was a disappointment. I'd expect more from a Lex episode.
Lex: What are you listening to?
Mystery Woman: My favorite song.
Lex: What's your name?
Mystery Woman: Does it really matter?
::Morning after. Housekeeping knocks on door. Lex wakes up beside dead girl::
::Lex on TV. Headline: Billionaire Bloodbath::
Newsperson: Billionaire Lex Luthor was released today on 5 million dollars bail, but we're told he is still the only suspect of grisly slaying early this morning of a young woman whose body is still unidentified.
Corinne: So you want to tell me how you wound up lying naked covered in blood next to a dead girl you hardly knew.
Lex: I didn't kill her.
Corinne: I didn't ask. You're paying me to get you off, not to prove your innocent. You're going to have to be straight with me. Were you drinking last night?
Lex: Yes, at the fundraiser at the hotel. We had champagne.
Corinne: Is it possible that you were drugged?
Lex: It wouldn't be the first time.
Corinne: Well, if you were drugged it'd show up in the blood test I had you take. In the meantime you're going to have to try and remember anything you can about this girl.
Lex: I can't. She had a pink mp3 player. We listened to it together.
Corinne: Well, that wasn't on the evidence list. And you're sure that she had it with her at the hotel?
Shannon: Excuse me, uh, Corinne? It's the DA.
Corinne: Thank you, Shannon. I'll be right there. (To Lex): You stay put. It's a media circus out there. I don't want you saying anything stupid.
Lex: Your bedside manner needs work.
Corinne: I'm not here to hold your hand, Lex. If you want a hug call your mother.
- Billonaire Bloodbath. Well, it's catchy.
- Corinne, these things happen more often then you'd think. Just ask Skinner from The X-Files.
- Hey now! Lex doesn't have to pay to have someone get him off ;) And demanding him to be straight? Now that's just asking too much.
- Forget being drugged. He and Giles should start a club for people who get hit unconscious every other episode.
- Ouch to mentioning his mom. Somehow I doubt she doesn't know.
Lex: Clark. I take it you saw my walk of shame on the news.
Clark: How you holding up?
Lex: Not so great actually. I trust you're here as a friend.
Clark: Just tell me you didn't do this.
Lex: ::Holds him by the shoulders:: I met a girl at the opera. I took her to a hotel. I didn't kill her.
Clark: Who was she?
Lex: I don't know.
Clark: But you slept with her. But you didn't know her name?
Lex: It's one of those nights that never happens. You meet somebody and you just get caught up in the moment. I'm guilty of that but I'm not a murderer. It's my father. He's framing me.
Clark: You're father's in prison.
Lex: You think that really matter. Go home, Clark. You don't want to be involved in this. Trust me.
- Your walk of shame, Lex, certainly overshadows the ones on Sex In The City.
- How fucking wrong is it that Lex even has to semi-ask if Clark is there as a friend? Big time fucking wrong. That's your answer.
- How fucking wrong is it that Clark even has to ask if he did it? Answer same as above.
- Yes, Clark. Sometimes people have something called one night stands. Okay, fine. Here's the talk. Clark, sometimes when people *don't* love each other they have sex. The end.
- Hmmm, the way Lex phrased the nights that never happen it didn't sound like he was outright lying. And you're guilty of getting caught up in the moment? So are a lot of people. Big deal.
- At least Lex cares enough about Clark to not want him to get involved in this scandal. Study that example, Clark.
Lana sleeps. Cool shaky, quick flashes. Shots of Lana's eye, the countess at the stake, the crowd yelling, the symbol at the church, in her book, on her back, the fire, Jane Seymour walks up, says "now you will die" then her eyes light up purple.
Lionel: Clark, thank you for coming. It's good to see you ::Clark is hesitant to shake his hand:: How's Lex? I've been trying to contact him since I heard, but he won't speak to me.
Clark: He thinks you're trying to frame him. Are you?
Lionel: No, Clark.
Clark: Why should I believe you?
Lionel: There's no reason you should. Listen to me. I was ill, Clark. The liver disease I had was a death sentence and something happened. I can't explain it. I woke up on the floor. There was a riot. I felt as if a different kind of energy had been inside me. Something strong and... *good*. I was changed. And my liver had healed.
Clark: What was it?
Lionel: I don't know. All I can say was it was miraculous. I could see the darkness the destructive power that had always been inside me. I can see it in Lex now. I have to help him, Clark.
Clark: Do you think he did it?
Lionel: No. This was a crime of passion or it was an elaborate frame. The girl did she have a car.
Clark: Lex, told the police that he took her to the hotel in his Ferrari.
Lionel: Then look for her car at the opera they won't find it there. Lex has patterns. He would have had the girl drive her own car back to the hotel. So he could slip away in the morning and wouldn't have to worry about taking her home. The patterns. The girl she had brown hair yes? She reminded him of Lillian. It's his mother. You have to help him, Clark.
Clark: If I find this car --
Lionel: Anything you find bring it to me. I can help you.
Clark: I'll see where it leads. But I still don't trust you.
Lionel: I know. But you will be back, won't you?
- Hee to Clark learning his lesson. He's kinda like a lab rat that way. If he gets shocked sometimes he learns and has the right fear response.
- Yeah, just outright ask someone if they're lying. Why *wouldn't* that work?
- "Good"?! Now I'm not saying Clark is a bad person, but it's very hard to believe in Clark's inherent, strongly present goodness in this episode. He's not the boy who becomes Superman to me.
- Lillian? Why are they making this an Oedipus complex? Ugh.
Mrs. Teague: Lana. It's wonderful to finally meet you. You are beautiful.
Lana: I'm sorry. Do I know you?
Mrs. Teague: I'm Jason's mother. Did I catch you off guard.
Lana: No, no. Yeah, actually. Yeah a little. I just didn't know that he was expecting you.
Mrs. Teague: Well, he isn't. Could we sit?
Lana: Sure. Would you like some tea?
Mrs. Teague: Ah, no thank you. I know this may sound impossibly British but I just can't bring myself to drink tea from a mug. Is that terrible?
Lana: No, of course not.
Mrs. Teague: How's Jason? I haven't spoken to him since I left Paris and he won't answer any of my calls. I'm afraid he thinks that I'm angry with him.
Lana: You're not?
Mrs. Teague: I simply want to see him again.
Lana: Mrs. Teague, I - I wanted to meet you. But if Jason isn't ready to be a part of your life I don't think that I can either. Not behind his back.
Mrs. Teague: Well, the last thing in the world I want to do is put you in the middle of all this but if you could just tell them that I'm here and that I'm staying at the Smallville Inn. Tell him I want to see him.
Lana: Sure.
Mrs. Teague: Thanks. You know it's interesting. A moment ago when I first met you, you looked at me as though you recognized me. How can that be? Goodbye, Lana. You must come visit me at Metropolis. You are so beautiful. I see now why he had to be with you.
- Oh, she's evil. Delicious. And what's with all the 'beautiful' remarks? Creepy.
Chloe: Where have you been all afternoon?
Clark: Went to go see Lionel at the prison.
Chloe: Why? Backlogged with your community service hours or something.
Clark: No. Look I know this is going to sound crazy but Lionel gave me a lead on Lex's case.
Clark: I haven't been able to trace a name or address.
Chloe: Why am I not surprised? Let me try.
Clark: You know what the weird thing is? The police are not even looking into this.
Chloe: Well, of course not, Clark. They think Lex is guilty and they already got their man. But don't you think its possible that all this is just a setup? I mean Lionel goes all Hannibal Lecter and tells you what to look for and where to find it.
Clark: I don't think so. I can't explain this but something happened to Lionel in prison. I think it changed him.
Chloe: Clark --
Clark: And what if he can really help?
Chloe: Clark, he's the master manipulator. You can not trust him, okay? And besides Lex is in great hands. He's got Corinne Harper leading his defense. They call her 'The Barracuda.' What he really needs is a good publicist. Have you seen this? The police have interviewed over 13 women that have slept with Lex over the last year. What's wrong?
Clark: Lex told me that this little one night stand was something that never happens
Chloe: And you believed him.
Clark: Got to believe somebody, Chloe. There it is.
Chloe: Eve Andrews, age 28, lives in Metropolis.
- Clark is useless. Lionel's giving him leads, and Chloe's doing the research.
- It changed him? So you can believe in Lionel but you can't in Lex. Wow. Because you have to believe in someone. And you've apparently picked Lionel. Again, wow.
- Thank you Chloe for trying to talk a little sense into him. You had to learn the hard way.
- Clearly, what's wrong, Chloe, is that Clark's jealous and heartbroken that Lex has been with *women* and so many of them. And all this time Clark has been swatting women away to preserve himself for Lex.
Clark: You were burning evidence, Lex. Not exactly the actions of an innocent man.
Lex: C'mon, Clark. Think about it. If I killed that girl why would I take a nap next to her body. So the maid could find me? It doesn't make any sense.
Clark: Neither does breaking into her house, but you did that. You better be honest with me because right now I'm the accomplice.
Lex: I didn't ask you to show up. How did you even know to go there?
Clark: I tracked down her car.
Lex: Did you call the cops too?
Clark: No.
Lex: Because this is going to be all over the 6 o'clock news now.
Clark: Why'd did you go there, Lex?
Lex: I got a call from Corinne's office saying they had lead on the address. I thought maybe I could find out who she was. I had no idea what I was walking into.
Clark: What'd you find out?
Lex: Her name's Eve Andrews. As you can tell from the stack of photos she's been stalking me for some time.
Clark: So you did know her?
Lex: No, only by name. What she failed to tell me at the fundraiser. So how was I supposed to know? Clark, you know I didn't do this. It's my father trying to get back at me. He knows about all these stalkers. LuthorCorp lawyers complied a database of them last year. My father knew Eve would be the perfect victim to make it look like I had motive.
Clark: I don't think it's your father, Lex. I went to see him he wants to help.
Lex: He was the one who sent you looking for the car, wasn't he?
Clark: Yes.
Lex: You're playing right into his hands.
Clark: Lex --
Lex: You can't straddle the fence on this one, Clark. My father and I are enemies. You have to decide who you really trust.
- Hmmm, I have a feeling some ppl on my flist could qualify to be on a database of Lex stalkers.
- Amen, Lex! No fence straddling. Strictly Lex straddling. I can't believe Lex even has to say this to Clark. Me or Lionel.
Chloe: She was stalking him and he didn't know what she looked like?
Clark: He said he'd never seen her before. Lex lied about a lot of things. He lied about all those women. Do you think he could have done it?
Chloe: I'd have to say the whole fire starter thing doesn't scream innocent but there's something really strange about this. Look at this.
Clark: Wait. I thought Lex's attorney would have all this under lock and key.
Chloe: Yeah, well, she may know people at the top but I know people at the bottom and they work for tips. Check this out. See? She's wearing two diamond earrings. See that?
Clark: Yeah.
Chloe: Okay, now we're going to skip through all this gross (blahblahblah) stuff ::Clark smiles at Chloe being grossed out:: Just before they get out of the elevator onto the pent house floor. And look.
Clark: She lost an earring.
Chloe: Exactly. Now the police report said that the dead woman was wearing two diamond earrings. So either she found it or --
Clark: -- Lex was with two different women.
- He lied a lot? *You've* lied a lot. Love your selective memory. God, you sound like a spurned lover.
- Ha to Chloe being grossed out at Lex making out with the woman. Wouldn't expect that from her.
Corinne: Thank you, Shannon. That was my assistant. Your tox screen came back negative, Lex. There were no drugs in your system.
Lex: So it left my system or the test was altered. Certainly not beyond my father's capabilities.
Corrine: They've got you lying next to the body covered in blood and now that they've ID the victim they also have motive.
Lex: Why? Because she was stalking me?
Corinne: Yes. Do you even know why she was stalking you, Lex? Because you slept with her 18 months ago and then you sent her a pair of diamond earrings as a conciliation prize. How can you not remember her?
Lex: I don't always get their names and remember their faces.
Corrine: I suppose it doesn't help that we all look alike, does it? I was your type too, Lex. Or don't you remember that either?
Lex: I remember, Corinne.
Corinne: Oooh, goody for me.
Lex: You must be enjoying this on some level. Seeing me pay for my indiscretions.
Corinne: Yeah, I'd be lying if I said there wasn't a certain amount of satisfaction seeing you hoisted on your own patar (?).
Lex: On the plus side, the view from up here is exceedingly clear. You see I've been thinking whoever did this would need to have access to my legal files to know Eve was stalking me. I thought it was my dad, but maybe I was wrong. That database was your project, wasn't it?
Corinne: You know what? I knew there might be a conflict of interest when I took this case. I thought we got past all that. Apparently, I was wrong. I'm removing myself as your attorney.
- A lot of women can say the same. Don't always get their names or faces. Again, so what?
- And Lex has a point worrying about his father and Corinne but really he can't help but come off as paranoid.
- Corinne, if you knew there was a conflict on interest *why* did you take it?
Chloe: Let's reenact the event, okay. So let's have Eve up against this wall right here --Okay, c'mon big boy it's for the cause of truth and justice. Now push me up against the wall and her hand was like this and I think his hand was like this ::trying to figure it out::
Clark: Maybe he knocked the earring off accidentally.
Chloe: Yeah. Yeah. And then she pushed him against this wall over here like this. Hi ::noticing closeness, flirty, looking at each other:: ::elevator doors open::
Woman with Kids: Oh my.
Clark: It's okay. You can come in.
Woman with Kids: Oh no, that's fine. We'll just take the stairs.
Chloe: But nothing was happening. We weren't doing anything. Really!
- I don't get it. They still have that awkward tension about the non-reciprocation going on in the background and she decides let's do the reenactment anyway? Huh? Why make things uncomfortable (for him anyway) and potentially lead to more badness? And then she gets flirty with him. She knows what the outcome always is. Does it not matter as long as she gets to get that close to Clark? Personally, it'd be hard for me to be friends with someone who keeps pushing the boundaries to steal kisses and sneak in personal space violations despite me not being interested.
- I thought it was funny how aggressive she was being and doesn't *that* give me an image of her potential sex life. 'Is she bossy in bed? Makes it feel like school?'
Lionel: I'm glad you came back Clark. Why did you bring me this?
Clark: I didn't think Lex would tell me the truth.
Lionel: And you believe that I will?
Clark: You wanted to help. I'm trusting you. That belonged to the girl who Lex met at the opera.
Lionel: Eve Andrews, yes?
Clark: That's the thing. Eve Andrews was wearing two earrings when she died. I think there's two girls and the girl in the elevator is still alive. I just don't know how to find her.
Lionel: 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.' When I was younger when I wanted to get rid of a woman I would send her a pair of diamond earrings delivered by courier. No messy farewells. It was my signature. My son it seems is carrying on the tradition. The girl in the elevator is a former lover of Lex's. She's the killer.
- Die, Clark, die. You stupid poopy head. I'm so upset I can't even hurl insults properly.
- Okay, the diamond earrings concilation prize thing is bordering on sleazy there. After all, it's a Lionel thing. But you know I can't even buy that. Because seriously? Lex copying his dad, esp. on something like that? No. He wouldn't. ::blows whistle, waves flag:: I call OOC.
Shannon: Welcome home.
Lex: How did you get past my security?
Shannon: I work for your law firm, Lex. I told them you'd been drinking in Metropolis and you needed a ride home. They helped me carry you up here.
Lex: Why here. Why are you doing this?
Shannon: Because this is where it all happened. This is where I earned my earrings. The first time. You see, you remember the other night, but you don't remember the first time. I do. I had a fiance. But you didn't know that. I cheated on him with you because I thought that you loved me. And when I broke it off with him I called to tell you that, but you wouldn't take my calls.
Lex: I'm sorry. If I had known --
Shannon: -- But you didn't. And then 3 months later I bump into you outside Corinne's office and you don't even recognize me. It was like I never happened to you. And so I started going through your files. Turns out I wasn't the only one.
Lex: Eve Andrews.
Shannon: Among others. She was such a fan. I told her that you wanted to make amends and she agreed to come to the hotel. And then I slipped a little something into your champagne after we made love. Funny your blood test didn't pick that up.
Lex: You rigged the test.
Shannon: I just switched out the results.
Lex: You were the one that sent me to her place. You called the police.
Shannon: You were supposed to get caught but you didn't. And so here we are.
- Oh those security guards are *so* getting fired.
- 'Where I earned my earrings.' Ha.
- Crazy bitch. You cheated on your fiance with someone you didn't even know. And after one night you're convinced you're in love with Lex *and* break off your engagement. Stupidest, craziest bitch ever. And then it's his fault? Is this the best you can throw at me writers, to show me how Lex is a bad, bad man?
Lana: I met your mom.
Jason: Where?
Lana: Here. She, uh, she said that you weren't returning her calls so she came to see me. She's staying at the Smallville inn. Wants you to stop by.
Jason: Why didn't you tell me earlier?
Lana: I don't know. I guess, um, maybe I don't want to be the one passing notes between you two.
Jason: I wouldn't have asked you to do that. She had no right to come here. I'm sorry.
Lana: She seemed really worried about you.
Jason: I bet she did. I bet she seems sad and heartbroken, but she's not. She's manipulative. All my life she's tried to control me. What? Is there something else?
Lana: I dreamed about her. I mean I was dreaming about Isobel T. She was being burned at the stake. And suddenly your mom was there.
Jason: Probably not that unusual to dream about someone you just met.
Lana: Jason. I dreamt about her before I met her.
- I admit a part of my disappointment with this episode is that I was expecting a Lex/Lana scene. I don't care if Lana's angry with him. When a person's in a crisis like that you go to bat for them even if you're not on speaking terms. You at least visit. Instead we have her talking to Jason's mom? Feh. You know unlike many times past there isn't a difficulty connecting Lana to the A Plot so why didn't they? It's almost like they hold off on Lex/Lana when possible. Because whenever Clark is there with Lex now, Lana has reason to be there for him as well. But that's not the case nearly as often as it should be.
- Not spoiled so I expected the Isobel storyline to be over although the fact that her tattoo didn't disappear after 'Spell' hinted otherwise. Hmmm, very interested that Jane was in her dream and how she fits into all this.
- For a second there I was worried Lana was going to pull a Joey Potter and tell him he should be grateful his mom is alive.
Shannon:You know you could have stopped all of this, Lex. All you had to do was recognize me outside of the opera. Just say 'Hi, Shannon. Nice to see you.' But you didn't. I was wearing the earrings you bought me. We had sex again and you still didn't recognize me. I had a life, Lex. I had a fiancée. You ruined my life and you didn't even know who I was. And you do this all the time. It has to stop
- Shut up. He is not responsible for your life. You are.
Jonathon: Glad Lex was found innocent but I sure wish you had come to us before you got yourself involved.
Clark: Well, first, dad, I just wanted to help and then I had to figure out if I could trust him or not.
Martha: What did you decide?
Clark: I haven't. I mean, the way he treated those women. It showed me a side of Lex I hadn't seen before. How could you just not care that you've hurt someone?
Jonathon: Lex is just following what he's learned, son.
Clark: There's something else you should know. I went to see Lionel.
Martha: What?
Clark: He wanted to help Lex and he did. I couldn't have done it without him
Jonathon: Clark, you know how dangerous that man is to you.
Clark: Dad, that's the thing I think he's changed and his liver's healed
Martha: I thought his condition was terminal.
Clark: I think something in me actually healed him.
Jonathon: Clark, does Lionel know about this?
Clark: No, he actually thinks it's a miracle.
Martha: It is.
Clark: Look, I know it sounds crazy but I really think he has changed. I can see it in his eyes.
Jonathon: Clark, as far as I am concerned Lionel Luthor is never going to change. And neither is Lex. Now we're going to just have to accept that.
- And apparently sex = evil again and with women as victims who can't be in charge of their sexuality. So what if he had a bunch of one night stands? That's not how I'd live my life and apparently not Clark either but who the hell is he to judge Lex? And yes apparently some women were emotionally hurt by Lex's blow off after sex but people get hurt sometimes when you throw sex into the mix or relationships or life, dammit. It just happens.
And as for most of the women why is Clark assuming they weren't down with the program? Maybe all *they* were interested in was a one night stand. Woman are capable of that no matter what the Smvl writers think. Some women don't equate sex with a relationship or romance. Sometimes it is what it is. Hell, women have *used* sex as a weapon aimed at Lex before. Desiree, Victoria, etc. Don't give me girls sobbing their eyes out because they got sex and love confused as further proof of Lex's dark side. That's crap. He didn't physically abuse them. I doubt he even strung them along with promises of love and marriage and whatever the hell else.
- And a side you've never seen before? You know that he has a shady past. Club Zero anyone? He's alluded to his bad boy past. He lived life hard and fast. And you never fathomed he had casual sex? Whatever.
- And Jonathon, please shut up. That's the message you want to send to your kid? People don't change. Maybe you shouldn't expect people to, but to say they never do so why bother? Maybe that's why Clark is one big freaking broken record. Because people don't change!
Lex: I understand you helped vindicate me, dad. There's just no telling the influence you have behind these bars.
Lionel: I pointed your friend Clark in the right direction. That's all. You still believe I had something to do with this, don't you?
Lex: No, I just assume you must want something in return.
Lionel: Yes. Yes I do.
Lex: I'm not helping you get released.
Lionel: No, you don't understand. I know I deserve to be here. In this terrible place. I have no one to blame but myself.
Lex: I'm in a generous mood, dad. So let's say I believe that. What do you want from me?
Lionel: I want to be your father, Lex. If you'll let me.
Lex: You've got your health, dad. Don't expect another miracle.
- Lionel's a born again Christian!
Lex: I wanted to say thank you and I'm sorry. I know you were only trying to help me.
Clark: How long is this going to continue, Lex?
Lex: I don't know. What do you want me to tell you?
Clark: I don't want you to tell me anything. I want you to change.
Lex: I don't know if I can.
Clark: It seems the only person you care about is yourself. There's a whole side of you I don't know about, L ex. What else don't I know about you?
Lex: You don't know that everyday I wonder why I keep going? Why I do the things I do? You know, Shannon might have been crazy, but she was right about me. I treated those women terribly, Clark. People died and I could have stopped it. I see that now.
Clark: That's a start.
Lex: You know there was a moment the other night when that fire she set was coming towards me I thought 'good. save the world a lot of grief' but somehow the fire went out and she was lying on the floor and suddenly I had a second chance.
Clark: The past few days, Lex, I thought your father was being more honest with me than you were. And I hated that feeling. I felt like we were enemies.
Lex: Don't give up on me yet.
- Did you ever stop to think maybe *you* need to change, Clark? Ever? Why are you always the one demanding things in this relationship? If you don't trust Lex at all why are you even friends? Why do you even try to help him? It's either or, Clark.
- Nice try MR. But even you can't get me to buy this crap that womanizer!Lex is just another shade of the darkness. People died and you could have stopped it? How? By somehow reaching the unspoken demands of a crazy woman? She was crazy! If you had remembered her then she would have wanted something else out of you. It was not your fault. It was her fault.
- 'That's a start?' Die now, Clark. Die.
- What big grief? What is he talking about? He hasn't done anything big yet (although when he does yes they will all look back on the times he was saved and wish the world had been spared.) And Clark says nothing to this?
- You thought Lionel was being more honest? Well, that's because you're a putz.
Jason: What are you doing here, mother?
Mrs. Teague: I know you don't want to talk to me, Jason. But every mother has a right to see her own son.
Jason: You didn't come here to see me.
Mrs. Teague: Is it so terrible to want to meet your girlfriend?
Jason: It's the way you go about it. I'm not going to let you do it this time. Cause it's different. I will come see you when I'm ready.
Mrs. Teague: When will that be?
Jason: I don't know. But you can't come back here.
Mrs. Teague: I just want to know Jason that I'm really glad that you're happy. Lana is an enchanting girl. I can see why you moved to the middle of nowhere to be with her. She's -- she's special. I knew you'd meet someone like her one day.
Jason: Did I met her by accident or not?
Mrs. Teague: What on earth are you implying? Of course you did, Jason. How else could you met her? I'll wait to hear from you.
- Jason seemed like a little kid at points with his mom around. Intrigued by their relationship. Hints of Lionel/Lex. Hmmm, Jason wondering if mom orchestrated the meeting. Well, this makes Lana/Jason more interesting at least.