Smallville. Jinx aka Never Bet Against Clark Kent.
The Short Version.
1) Lex/Lana = supersonic squee!
2) Chloe reminds me how she's destined to die before the end of Smvl thanks to her lack of danger radar.
3) Chloe and Clark actually have a good scene together.
4) Mikail is tasty, minus the accent.
5) Clark, you done good. Except for any instance surrounding Lex.
6) Lex is apparently playing dirty. Don't know how to feel about that.
The Long, Long Version.
Chloe: Well, as much as I hate to admit it, I never bet against Clark Kent.
Second time Lana and Chloe shown seated next to each other at a football game. Hmmm, are they trying to remind me Lana and Chloe still exist in the same universe? Not sure if it's working. Nice to know they can go from revolving in different circles to being sort of friends with the ever present resentment and jealousy issues to real friends and back to complete strangers. Got to hand it to the writers who have female friendships down pat. Me so proud ::rolls eyes::
Jason: Adrenaline doesn't explain the fact that you went from chucking bails of hay to chucking 6 yard passes ovenright.
Because Clark's a farm boy. Don't you *ever* forget, audience. Hey, it's either this or Lana's parents.
Jason: I put myself in the line and said theres no way Clark Kent would do something like that.
Clark: I'm not on drugs.
Jason: I hope not because if it comes out you're not in the same playing field as these guys... let's just say it's going to be pretty disappointing to have to forfeit an entire championship season and a college career.
Clark's always worried about hurting people on the field, but I doubt he's ever thought of it in terms of not being on the same playing field as them since he's, well, super.
And yes, this episode is all about who Clark Kent is or is not and how people either believe in him or don't.
Lex: What potential did my father see in you?
Mikail: Potential you do not see on a report card, Mr. Luthor.
I'll throw that quote at my parents at some point in the future. And Lex, always interested in following your father's footsteps if only to see what the hell he's up to. Big mistake.
Mikail: I just found my Achilles' Heel.
Chloe: What? Greed?
Mikail: No, ah, pretty girls with infectious smiles.
Chloe: I'm still writing the article.
Loved the Chloe/Mikail interaction. That's the thing about Chloe. She *is* capable of having chemistry with another person, just not with Clark Kent ::is pelted with tomatoes from Chlarkers:: If only he didn't have that lousy accent.
Mikail: I asked some questions. Don't think it's coincidence you are also Smallville's most notorious whistle blower.
Chloe: Notorious, huh? I like the sound of that.
She likes the sound of being Smallville's most *notorious* whistle blower? Because at least that way she's being heard if not seen? Despite the negative connotations? Agh. I hate that the path to making a name for herself constantly has her making stupid choices. Esp. since we see so often that Chloe can be smarter than that.
Mikail: And the first stop is the winners circle. So what are you going to do with the money?
Chloe: Ah, textbooks.
Mikail: Oh, don't go too crazy.
Chloe: Well, my dad is unemplyment so my college fund sort of took a massive hit this year.
Mikail: How would you like to make enough money to pay for an entire semester's tuition before you wake up tomorrow morning...Chloe, if you want the big article you have to get inside the mind of a gambler. Be ready to raise the stakes. That is if you aren't scared.
Chloe: Count me in.
I understand Chloe's situation but actually taking the money? For someone who has stars in her eyes at the idea of being a reporter she doesn't worry too much about the ethics of her dream job, does she? She doesn't think before she does things like this and that really bothers me.
Clark: When I put on that uniform it's like I forgot who I am but at the same time I've never known myself better. It's more than just a game.
Poor Clarkie. My Clark Bar. See, every now and then he doesn't come off as a jerk. Or at least not for most of the episode. Sometimes I can actually care that he feels like an outsider and doesn't know who he is.
What I like about this season so far is that Clark is getting a glimpse of being the Normal Guy. Or more accurately, the Visible, More Than Just a FarmBoy Boy. He gets to be the one the guys count on, who people know, who is the star at a party.
Mikail: I like the new textbooks.
Chloe: Hi. Don't worry. I just took 10% off the top for fun. The rest of my winnings is safely tucked away for college tuition.
I'm surprised at Chloe's irresponsibility here. I know it can be tempting to give yourself a little treat, but yeah overall not with the understanding. And suprised that it seems she blew some money on sunglasses and clothes. I'd expect something more practical.
Mikail: Well, now see why would you like to spoil all the fun by writing that article?
Chloe: Because it just keeps getting juicier by the minute.
Mikail: Are you sure about that?
Chloe: Why? Are you going to do something to change my mind? Nice try. You're very cute but I already gave you anonymity and it's going to press tonight.
I think this is one distinction between Chloe and Lana for me as DID. Usually Lana finds herself the target of some FOTW thanks to her face. Meanwhile, Chloe walks right into danger thanks to her tunnel vision and lack of impending consequences radar. Fortunately for Chloe, she gets more of a chance than Lana to take some part in her rescue and/or the FOTW take-down.
Mikail: I don't think you understand me, Chloe. I always get what I want.
Chloe: On looks apparently. Because your charm just ran out.
Mikail: Stop. Kiss me. This is me asking you nicely. You're going to drop that article whether you want to or not.
Gah. That shouldn't be the height of his hotness in this episode but it quite possibly is. And Chloe realizes things are no longer in her court. The look of shock and of having been violated.
Martha: Clark, open your hand. What are you doing? You know how dangerous Kryptonite is.
Clark: I always get better. Afterwards it's gone. So what if I'm playing sick, other guys play injured. And if dad knows I don't have my abilities and I can't hurt anyone --
Martha: You are not taking meteor rocks out on that field. I know this is hard but you can't make yourself sick.
Clark: I can't quit either.
And the continuation of Poor Clark as he tries to weaken himself for when he's out on the field. God, I love Martha. I love how she's afraid for her son. I love the hope she has for him to be normal, not for her sake, but for his own.
Chloe: It's alright, Clark. You can stay.
Clark: I thought you had some self-imposed restraining order against me. Does this mean you're talking to me again?
Chloe: No. This just means that I'm willing to take a chance on getting your Doctor Jekyll side today. What's up with this self-flooging?
Clark: ... Trying to figure out what happened. It's like I had no control. Like my mind was sending one message --
Chloe: But your body was getting another. It's Mxyzptlk.
Clark: That foreign exchange kid?
Chloe: Say that three times fast. He's our new reisdent puppet master. It's kind of embarassing, but he made me kiss him.
Clark: Made you?
Chloe: Yeah, it was just like how you explained your trip. Like someone else was controlling me.
Sigh. Chloe is hopeless. Couldn't stay away from Clark for even one episode. Good for Clark because he'd be helpless without her. At least cracking cases wise. She shouldn't have to take chances that he's not going to walk all over her heart. But apparently she thinks he's worth the risk.
It's funny though how Clark doesn't seem to believe Chloe when she says Mikail made her kiss him. It looks like he's thinking she's just boy crazy or for some reason won't fess up to her actions because of embarassment or guilt or shame.
I remember the Mxyzptlk character from a Superman cartoon episode. It was one of the more amusing ones. This sure was a spin on that character wasn't it. I enjoyed him. But that's just crazy non-canon comic book caring me.
Clark: There may be one other force they didnt count on. Think about it. Who brought him here in the first place?
Lex: You want me to deport a LuthorCorp exchange student?
Clark: Gambling on Crows games isn't a sancioned extra-curricular.
Lex: I'm surprised you care so much about some half rate bookie or is there something else about him you arent telling me?
Clark: Lex, you sponsored him, I just thought you might want to do something about it.
Lex. Clark's go-to guy. Why are either of them continuing this facade of a friendship when they both don't trust each other? But eh. I like this repressed anatagonism better.
Lex: Of course, I'll look into it. Though I'm suprised you didn't go to the principal first or Coach Teague. But then I can see how that'd be more complicated than it sounds.
Clark: Why would it be more complicated?
Lex: C'mon, I can't be the only one who's picked up on Lana's fondness for quarterbacks... even retired ones.
Yes, two. That *certainly* makes a pattern. Now you and brunettes, Lex, that's a pattern ;) Are you worried that it was the jock thing that attracted Lana to Jason and not the whole guy being prepped by his daddy to take this business world by storm? Because I'm sure a little of that was there, too =P
Clark: Yeah, to be honest, it has been hard to see her with someone else.
Lex: Don't worry. Paris can have a magical effect on people, but the enchantment has a funny way of waning the longer you're gone.
Is that why you said you might visit her in Paris back in 'Covenant'?
Clark: I know Lana, she's never been this serious about anyone.
Lex: You sound awfully concerned about that for someone who let her walk out of his life.
Clark: Yeah, I guess the whole "if you love them set them free" thing kinda backfired.
Lex: It's not about love, Clark, It's about what you're willing to do for it. On that field you'll do whatever it takes to win. But if you're not willing to do the same for Lana maybe she doesn't mean as much to you as you think.
Hee! I love the way TW delivers the whole "if you love them set them free" line.
I don't think it's not about people not meaning enough to Clark to do whatever it takes. Whatever it takes isn't his nature. And second of all, he's afraid for himself. Of revealing who he is and hurting other people. So while I don't think Lana means as much to Clark as he thinks she does, I disagree with the rest of what Lex says.
And how exactly does Lex think his actions in this episode count as willing to do what it takes *for* Lana? Maybe to *get* Lana, but certainly not *for* her. But it's a nice change of pace from Clark's wishy-washy ways. Lex knows what he wants and is always focused, you can give him that.
Jason: It happens to a lot of guys. They want so badly to outperform everyone before you know it. All they care about is winning no matter what the cost.
::cough:: Lex? ::cough:: Slippery slope.
Jason: Couch asked me to give him a drug test and I never mentioned it to Clark so I lied and said it came back clean... Cause I believe in Clark. And because he knows about us I didn't want to stir the waters if he wanted to get back at me all he's got to do is tell someone at school and I'd lose my job.
Lana: Clark wouldn't make it personal.
Jason: Why not? I mean I can't imagine what I would do if someone tried to take you away from me.
Lana: Nobody took me away from Clark. I left. Clark's a big part of the reason why I took off for Paris in the first place.
Jason: Oh that must be from the book of things you never want to hear about your girlfriend's ex.
Lana: Look, Jason, I'm with you now and I couldn't be happier and I know Clark can be unpredictable but he knows that you need this job to stay in college. I know it's hard because you've been so close to him but are you sure you really know him.
What's with Jason and needing to be reassured so much? And always feeling threatened that he'll lose Lana? I don't really feel he has anything to worry about in regards to Clark. And well, we certainly realize later on in this episode he was clearly worrying about the wrong person. Did the hospital scene with Lex tell you nothing, Jason?! And the are you sure you really know him? More fitting in regards to Lex, once again.
Mikail: What if we make a wager?
Lex: Now why would I take a bet when I can just have you thrown out of here?
Mikail: Because I know gamblers better than anyone. You're the caviar kind. See when you hold everything in your hand the only thing that can give you a thrill is putting the chips on the one thing that can slip through your fingers.
Lex: And what would that one thing be?
Mikail: Well, in this case, me. How much do you believe in this quarterback friend of yours, Clark Kent?
Usually the slip through your fingers remark would make me think of Lex's friendship with Clark. But here it's Lana. He's let that special brand of friendship slip away before. Not now. But he's just going to fuck it up in the process, isn't he?
Mikail: You forget games are my business. So if you don't know the players you can not guess the outcome.
Clark: If you think I'm going to throw that game --
Mikail: 'If.' When there's an 'if' there are odds and I always beat the odds.
Chloe: Last time I checked they weren't selling biblical plagues on Amazon.
BTW, this episode of Smallville sponsored by Old Spice's Red Zone. That's right. Red Zone. Buy Red Zone, now. Now!
'I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk alone'
Well the scene fit the music, but the whole thing was a little too much and 'see! see!', you know?
Clark: I hope that doesn't happen. I think Chloe and I found a way to stop Mikail.
Jonathon: Chloe and you think? Well I'm sorry thinking is not good enough.
Clark: Dad, I know you don't agree with me but sometimes responsibility means having faith in yourself to make the hard choices.
Jonathon: And also means being willing to accept the consequences.
Clark: Every handshake, every hug, every time I'm on that field I make a conscious decision to fall when they hit me so they don't get hurt.
Clark: No matter how hard you try you can't understand that. That's why it's my decision and not yours.
But Jon! Chloe and Clark thinking at all sometimes exceeds my expectations. Be proud!
I love Clark in this scene. Thank you for showing your dad you've grown up a bit. And more importantly for showing us. There is hope! And more than that showing a glimpse of what it really feels like to be the outsider that you are. I'm very proud of you too, Clark.
I'm shallow. I love special effects. We got to see the longest shot of Clark in slo-mo. Very cool. And Chloe's left wondering what the hell just happened. But yeah I flashed back to Clark being survellianced while in super speed mood before but somehow I doubt that this will come back again. And if it does I really don't think it'll prove anything.
Chloe: I don't know what it is with you but no matter how many times I put you in the penalty box it never sticks. I hear you're quite the hero tonight, Clark Kent.
Chloe: We all have our weaknesses I guess. Except for you ... of course.
I have to say I was really happy with this Chlark scene. It worked, dammit! Thanks in large part to Chloe who wasn't exhibiting all the expressions and emotions that usually annoy me when Chloe is in the proximity of Clark. She was light mentioning how Clark never stays the bad guy with her. And meaningful without being too serious or angsty when saying Clark doesn't have weaknesses. She was wishful because she'd like to be his weakness the way he is hers. And yet she was envious of him because she wishes she was stronger. It just worked.
Mikail: I have the feeling I can learn a lot from you. I'm only we can't make good on our agreement.
Lex: You underestimate the value of my winnings.
Mikail: I told you, Mr. Luthor, I lost my talents.
Lex: If there's one thing I've learned it's that anything lost can be found again.
Mikail: If you knew I had a special talent why did you bet against me?
Lex: I didn't. I bet on Clark Kent.
Damn you, Clark Kent. You who have disappointed us but yet we know better than to count you out.
Also, 33.1. Officially intrigued. I'm waiting for the explanation on this and what you're going to do with your talented people. Because I'm not trying to see the Lionel in all this, but kinda failing.
Clark: Well, I thought he'd want to know that Metropolis University offered me a scholarship... One of the scouts he called saw me in the game. I want to thank him for trusting me.
Lana: Well, its too bad you couldn't return the favor. Jason was fired this morning.
Again, quit the pissiness. Although she has no reason not to think it was anyone other than Clark. I'll forgo the stupidity of Lana and Jason for him accepting a job at the worst place possible for them.
Lex: It's good the local football star still has time for his friends.
Clark: I wouldn't put it like that.
Lex: Wild guess. You're not talking about the football star part.
Clark: Maybe I wasnt clear but what you and I talk about is supposed to stay between us.
Lex: I see. So today I'm taking the role of the despicable, untrustworthy friend and as usual our hero is making the fatal flaw of jumping to conclusions.
Clark: So you're going to tell me you weren't the one who got Jason fired?
Lex: A teacher-student liason is a taboo that's pretty hard to come back from.
Clark: Oh, you're going to take the moral highground on this?
Lex: Clark, I'd hate to see Lana's *infatuation* earn her a scarlet letter around town.
Clark: She has you to thank for that cause you and I were the only two who knew about it. Now everyone is talking.You didn't do this to protect her.
Lex: You know Lana isn't meant to be with Jason.
Clark: Maybe a year ago I would have believed that you got him fired over some twisted loyalty for being my friend. You didn't do this for me. Why did you do it?
And now for the *important* part of the episode ::grins evilly::
I love that when Lex turns around he points the fire poker at Clark's chest.
Even if he doesn't directly call Clark on it he makes it clear he knows when Clark's lying and he keeps secrets of his own now and doesn't feel bad about it. Why should he?
And "taking the role of the despicable, untrustworthy friend and as usual our hero is making the fatal flaw of jumping to conclusions"? Amen. Thank you for calling him on it! And no, that's not your role. Your role is sexy, devious, bald millionare.
Teacher-student liason? How scandalous! And Clark of little intellect throws that faulty scarlet letter reasoning out the window. So now what, Lex?
And yes, his oh so subtle emphasis on the word "infatuation." Hee. If that's what you call an infatuation, I wonder what you really thought about Clark and Lana together, Lex.
Lex's has quite a matter-of-fact face when saying "You know Lana isn't mean to be with Jason." Almost freaky.
"A year ago I would have believed that you got him fired over some twisted loyalty for being my friend." That's what everyone else thought. Because it was all really about Clark. Ha. Not saying that canonically I think Lex had an underlying, not necessarily conscious reason to woe Lana via Clark although yes my shippy tendencies have it written that way in my head. Okay, maybe there *was* possibly a little seed of interest when it came to Lana even back then but I don't compare his then interest or feelings to what exists now. Because this on a different level.
He didn't do it for Lana. He didn't do it for Clark. Then why did he do it? All we get is that glorious Lex smirk and then fade to black. AGH! Clark has to figure that out! Right? Right? Man, oh man.
I can see Clark running to Lana to tell her it was Lex. But the way things have been going between them lately and their past I don't think she'd immediately believe him. Why should she? Clark always lets her down. Lex has been the one there for her, in resources and in support and just company. And I don't think it'd occur to her that he could be doing things in a do whatever it takes move to get her. Her mind wouldn't jump there. She might have contemplated him that way (of course she has!) but I don't think she thinks he has. Did you follow all that?
But once she does know it's Lex, if she ever does... Woah, boy. Lex, you are in trouble. Which is why I just don't understand what Lex is thinking. This can only blow up in his face. Ruin his friendship with Lana which is the healthiest thing he has! Why? Because he got jealous? Because not only has he lost Clark, now he feels like he's losing her because she spends all her time with her new boyfriend? It doesn't make sense. In a way it would make more sense if this happened in late last season. But he's been busy searching for answers and we haven't gotten many Lex/Lana scenes so I'm a little confused.
Though I can appreciate Dark!Lex, this wasn't how I was expecting the turn of Lex/Lana. I want his dark side as well as his light side to be attracted to her. And I think she could futher explore her own dark side with him. But I don't want his dark side to be the catalyst in going after Lana, you know? That doesn't seem the right note to start things. Let it go to hell later.
Lex has his motives. He's a gambler. But there's something sneaky and dark in what's going on in his head that surpasses jealousy. And you all know I've never been in the camp of Lex plays with Lana's little bitty head. So again with the confused.