go boredom go!

Aug 21, 2003 15:32

I see: a computer screen...
I need: my Bellachino's sub that is upstairs ;)
I want: ...
I have: RADIOHEAD tickets!! :) (heh...you knew they would show up on here somewhere)
I wish: on stars.
I love: music.
I hate: Frustration.
I miss: Lee
I fear: People grabbing my ankles.
l feel: Hungry.
I hear: "The Gloaming" by Radiohead
I smell: like my coconut lotion stuff.
I crave: My Bellachino's sub...
I search: huh?
I wonder: Why I haven't gone upstairs yet...
I regret: close to nothing really...

Smiled? Like one second ago.
Laughed? Same time I smiled.
Cried? Last week sometime I think...
Danced: Today, actually.
Were sarcastic? A few hours ago.
Kissed someone? Don't you wish you knew... ;)
Watched your favorite movie? I don't have just one favorite, so I can't answer...

Last book you read: Slaughter-House Five
Last movie you saw: Freddy vs. Jason (the best comedy ever)
Last song you heard: "There There" is on right now.
Last thing you had to drink: water
Last time you showered: 30 minutes or so ago.
Last thing you ate: hmmm...I honestly don't remember. Prolly cookies or something last night.

Smoke? Am I hot? (yuk yuk yuk)
Do drugs? I've hung out with Mary Jane a fair share of times.
Sleep with stuffed animals? Why yes I do :)
Live in the moment? oh yeah.
Play an instrument?use-ta.
Remember your first love? I still have my Care Bear blanket :)
Read the newspaper? yes
Have any gay or lesbian friends? yep.
Believe in miracles? I don't know.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? well, I certainly hope I am not the only one that answers yes to this...cause what would be the point?
Consider yourself tolerant of others? yup.
Like the taste of alcohol? It's not my favorite by any means.
Have a favorite candy? Starburts oh sure.
Have any secrets? yes I do.
Have any pets? a puppy and a bird.

Do well in school? I did...and I'm sure when it starts back, I will still.
Go to or plan to go to college? In December.
Talk to strangers who instant message you? yeah...
Wear hats? beanies.
Wear rings? I have Wes's silver ring :)
Have any piercinngs? not yet ;)
Have any tattoos? yes.
Collect anything? yes. Besides concert/music stuff in genera l've collected those little tiny fuzzy bears and those cocktail umbrellas since I was 5 or 6.
Have a best friend? more than one, yes.
Like your handwriting? yeah, sure...
Have any bad habits? hahahahha. uh...
Care about looks? To some extent...doesn't everyone?
Do you eat Ritz crackers with cream cheese on them? Do you vomit afterwards?
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