The New H.S. Soap Summary!!

Aug 16, 2007 13:24

So sorry for the delay! Summer is hectic. *grin* But without further ado...

(Starting week #8)

Previously on H.S. Soap…

Well it is now a full two weeks since the guys left and things are not as peachy keen as they could be.

Azula is finding the simple life a bit less enjoyable now that the reason for her rebellion is gone. That may explain her new Read more... )

update, emo zuko's myspace, community challenge #01, hs soap

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Re: Alicia Hart's exclusive interview! dungeonwriter September 5 2007, 15:20:57 UTC
Alicia: And we're back with the Goblin Kings. So, Zuko, you were saying?
Zuko:"It's true that there were rumors between Mai and I before, but we're not dating. My girlfriend is not looking for the extra attention now either, so I don't want to give out too much."
Sokka:"That's a good plan, Z-man."
ALICA HART: "Haru, you naughty dog. Come on, show your brother in law some love."
Haru:*brief flash of a frown* "Alicia, I really think it would be for the best if we could focus more on the music rather than our personal lives. Wouldn't you agree, guys?" *glancing around at the band, particularly Zuko*
Zuko:"That sounds good."
ALICA HART: "Oh all right, if you insist. Where do you get your inspiration for music?"
Aang:"Well Sokka does most of the writing... *looks at him*"
Sokka:"Oh, now, credit where credit's due, Haru and Zuko write LOTS of songs!"
Zuko:"Well I've been writing for a while, so I guess a lot of it is just the amount of time I've been doing it and the experience of just being able to work with something until sounds good."
Haru:"Love is an endless source of inspiration."
ALICA HART: "Did you all have musical backgrounds?"
Aang:"Not me... I just wanted to play the drums so I did. Then I met these guys."
Zuko:"Me either. I just found something I liked to do and went with it."
Haru:"I've been studying music since I was a child...I'm quite grateful, really, that my parents always supported my interest."
Sokka:"Background? Well, not unless Dad singing in the shower counts, and believe me, if you could hear his voice you would NOT count that as a musical background! Me, I just picked up a guitar in junior high 'cause I heard that chicks really were into musicians...and then I found that I liked it, and I was pretty good at it. Also? The thing about the ladies going for guys in bands? SO totally true. Bonus!"
Aang:*laughs and blushes*
ALICA HART: I can definitely see. So, what have been your biggest musical influences?
Sokka:"Well, I've always been the most focused on guitarists, so I'd have to say it probably all started with some of the classics in my dad's record collection -- you know, Hendrix, Clapton, Beck, all that good old stuff. From there I really started exploring more, stuff like Satriani, Van Halen, Oliva, Prince -- hey, don't laugh, that little dude totally SHREDS on his solos!"
Zuko:"Hmm.. It's hard to pick any one group or person in particular, there are so many amazing artists out there
Haru:"Well, all of my formal training was classically based. My parents traveled quite a bit when I was younger so I didn't really get a lot of exposure to the American popular scene until we moved back to the states. Although I suppose some of the local sounds of countries we lived in may be at the back of my mind. I always quite admired the theatricality of some of the Japanese bands, for instance, they understand that the live experience should be more than just listening to a recreation of the recording."
Sokka:*muttering* And the ladies REALLY love the fanservice!
Haru:"Yeah, fanservice, it's part of the whole performance aspect, your point?"
ALICA HART: "Fanservice?"
Sokka:"Ah, yeah, fanservice. It's, you know, little things you do just to, ah, make the fans happy."But that's not really MY department. You should talk to one of those two if you wanna know more..."
Aang:"Yes...apparently the female fans like seeing Haru and Zuko kiss for some reason... *shrugs*"
Sokka: pointing at Haru and Zuko
ALICA HART: "I know that the Flamingo Club has that clip on repeat"
Haru: "Well, it's certainly gratifying to hear that we're reaching audiences beyond our original little local indy scene, Alicia." (TOTALLY deadpan.)
Alicia: We'll be taking a short break. Be back in a moment!


Re: Alicia Hart's exclusive interview! dungeonwriter September 5 2007, 15:21:46 UTC
ALICA HART: "And we're back! So, any crazy fan stories?"
Haru:no I don't mind if guys think I'm hot, it's very flattering really...
Sokka:"Oh, man, you have NO idea. I don't think we could even tell you the craziest ones, the FCC would be on you like a ton of bricks!" *laughing* Zuko probably gets the weirdest ones, for some reason. Like that chick who sends you paintings done in blood, remember her?"
Aang:"What about that guy that is always throwing his boxers at Haru?"
Zuko:"Yeah... that was really creepy."
Haru:"At least they were clean..." *deadpan*
Zuko:"Some of my fans tend to be a bit... intense."
Aang:"Oh yeah... and then that girl who sent you that dead puppy... that was scary huh, Haru? Something about having you all to herself?"
Aang:"Or was it a kitten? I can't recall..."
Haru:"I'd rather not try to recall. That case went off to the appropriate authorities, anyway. Besides, we shouldn't let a few...disturbed...individuals with boundary issues distract us from the fact that the overwhelming majority of our fans are wonderful people. The handful of bad apples really shouldn't get all of the attention."
Zuko:"Yeah. Most of our fans are great. We wouldn't have gotten half as far without all their support."
Haru:"When I was hospitalized after my motorcycle accident, for instance, the outpouring of love and support from our fanbase was really just incredible.
Aang:"Yeah... I love the fans!"
Haru:And it's those great, caring, supportive people who are typical, not the handful of edge cases."
ALICA HART: "So, why did you start this band>"
Zuko:"Well I'd been playing guitar for a while before Sokka apporached me with the idea of the band, and then Aang here joined and we just went with it."
Haru: Right, so they were starting up a band and needed folks, and Zuko had been getting into music but needed more folks to work with as well, so great timing all around
Haru:"Sokka and I met through our fraternity, and discovered we had a mutual interest in music...and things sort of snowballed from there."
Sokka:"It was obvious enough, really, you gotta have a band if you want gigs better than random open-mic crap. And when was the last time you saw ladies throwing bras onstage for open mic shows?"
Aang:"I saw an ad for a band that needed a drummer and just showed up... I'd only been playing a month or so but *shrugs* they liked me..."
ALICA HART: "That;'s so adorable."
ALICA HART: "Aang also has one of the most active fan communities.
Sokka:"Little guy's got big talent, what can I say?"
ALICA HART: And the name?"
Haru:"Ah, the name's my fault, I suppose. It's from a classic 80s Henson film, "Labyrinth"."
ALICA HART: "David Bowie fan?"
Haru:"Very much. Along with visual kei, his body of work has been another real inspiration for me in considering the theatrical aspects of live performance, the creation of stage personas..."
Aang:and isn't into music like that much and rolling her eyes at haru
Sokka:"It's that old movie Kat and Azula like so much, with the muppets and the dude in the eyeliner and tight pants."
Aang:"Ooooh yeah..."
Aang:"We didn't watch many movies in the monastery."
ALICA HART: "Fascinating. Well, that's all the time we have. I have a wedding to cover. Zuko, Haru, my sincerest congratulations. Will you be attending?"
Haru:"I don't really make the decisions for that part of my social calendar..."
Zuko:"Though the tour is keeping me pretty busy, I will take a short break to attend my father's wedding." *fists clenching off camera*
ALICA HART: "How wonderful! Well, next time we see these handsome hunks, they'll be at the wedding, along with hunk Hahn de Croy-Solre"
Aang:"Hahn? *frowning*"
Sokka rolls his eyes but says nothing
ALICA HART: "This is Alicia Hart, signing out!"


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