Oct 11, 2023 21:01
A wild god comes to your table.
He uses neither fork nor knife, no cup or plate, tools foreign
to paws calloused by earth.
You remember when you didn’t either - when fingers
were stained with berry juice and perfumed by bark,
nectar and raindrops the only draughts at hand.
When did you begin to lose it - the wildness?
Growth and years strengthen his trees,
but what of you? He yawns and butterflies pour from his mouth
into your hair, unraveling the careful plaits
turning them to cirrus clouds on the horizon.
He stands and thunder claps, burrowing into your chest
shocking your heart into joyful staccato rhythm.
Arms outstretched, he grasps your palms and vines wreath
out to elbows. Your feet are compelled to move to music
only you two can hear, the wind through the leaves, waves crashing,
distant waterfalls roaring and then? He roars back. Loud and fierce.
Soon, you hear your voice echoing, strong and timeless, as so many
endless storms and seas rage. And when you fall - spent - cradled
by moss and lichen, you arise again a woodland thing. And you remember
who you are.