(no subject)

Apr 26, 2005 22:41

So i was thinkin about it....in my last post, im defending myself.....why the fuck should i be doing that in my own LJ!!! screw that! the only reason i didnt delete the post is becasue the comments are fun! lol......bubt yeah, fuck that! i dont give a damn what anyone else thinks of me....esp. some people who def shouldnt be talking. Its so funny....cuz i keep getting these random IM's and people being like...."dont the girls at your school have lives" ...i guess not! i dont sit around reading LJ's of people i dont like....and if i do read something i dont like...i dont care. It's ESP sad when people can't just talk to your face. I mean...i love Todd's comment to my previous post about how staring wars online is like the special olympics. Cuz it really is....people can talk all this shit on the interenet ...but yet, they cant say a word to your face...and tha, i find rather amusing.....i guess sometimes people just never grow up. So anyways---i know many of you have found all of this really amusing so i made sure to leave up everything and not delete things!

OMG! if you haven;t already....read shawn's update!!! BEST EVER!!!!!!!

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