Type your cut contents here.
The boys.
Bob, Shilo, and the sun that wouldn't stop fucking chasing us into the woods!
Hillary and Kim
Hillary and Jon.
them posing.
Sean almost hit a stump and bob, trying to park his car to sit in it. There were chairs, sean! =)
the lovely DJ Kwal! haha.
Shilo and Jon.
The bedroom station!
Kissy face?
"holy shit, look at my boobs!" -Shilo.
Small group picture.
I think I may have frightened him.
We so pretty.
Shilo laughing at Brian's package.
Excitingly pointing at it.
"We are too hott together"-Nicole.
IT'S Stesha and she is old like me!
last picture.
All around it was a good time. Except for being a maid for a little while! haha. I have to say Foxy's was much more fun on my birthday, but that was probably because it was a tuesday and I was trashed. Nevertheless, it was great hanging out and seeing people I haven't seen for years. I am very excited for the next one.