So, a lot has happened since my last post from a few months ago. Where to begin:
- Moved into a new place in May - still in San Francisco, just in a different neighborhood.
- Still not working (blah)
- Kellie and I are obviously still in the process of divorcing - that's a way to spend the summer, eh?
- While I don't have Cleo; I am cat-sitting for Kellie, so I get to see the little dude while she's out of town on business. (Which is pretty often this summer)
- I managed to injure my left knee twice: once during the course the move to my new place. The second time when I had an atonic seizure (essentially a "drop attack") and twisted my knee. About a week or so after that...lucky me, I sprained my right ankle *and* foot. (I also have a small fracture in my foot from the torn ligament, and a piece of the bone on the inside of my ankle has cracked off. Good times.)
- I've been suffering from insomnia; and when I do actually sleep, my body has decided that I'm on a swing shift worker's hours since I don't get to sleep until about 5 in the morning and usually sleep until about 1 pm.
- I'm turning 40 at the end of July. And while 30 and 35 weren't so bad, 40 is killing me. I've never felt so miserable in my life, you know?