are you saying you've never looked at porn before?!? cuz that either makes you a liar or innocent! lol, either way i get to give you shit for it, so s'all good!! lol, cya in school, lyl.
Doesn't mean Im innocent.. I just don't like nasty porn. It's soo fake Pat. It creates a stereotype of beauty and perfection and naughtyness into the minds of guys and they go out and expect normal girls who don't have such stereotypical quality's to be like the porn stars they see on the internet.
i agree to a certain extent. i agree that it most definetely creates a steeotype of beauty and perfection and naughtyness, but that's not what most guys (or at least I) look for in a girl. i don't want someone as shallow or fake, as you said, as that. still, to each their own. ttyl, lyl.
It's good that you don't look for neccesary perfection physically.. (atleast I think thats what you meant) but your not like most guys. Your special. Most guys let porn decide what beauty is and what a girl should have/do for them to be happy. Just because there are a few special guys who don't judge people based on a false stereotype of beauty.. doesn't mean that porn is an ok thing. Because about 80% of the guys are going to think differently than you. So whether or not there are a few guys who are like you.. there are more that arn't. But as I said before.. you are intitled to your own opinion and do whatever makes you happy. I for one, just really dislike the concept of porn.
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