Last night: basking in Parisienne company.
Tonight: staring at just-crammed 6 cubic ft shipping box and trying to calculate whether it is under 40kg. It has to be, right? It's just clothes, with some books and papers at the bottom. And shoes. Mmm, I don't know how I accumulate this crap.
Had a liek whoa! weekend with two amazing ladies. I can now provide first-hand evidence that
ourmutualfiend is a one of a kind model - lovely and funny and clever and sweet. x10. & with nice handbags. She shines!
wild_boys was like the cornflakes bonus - one of the good ones, of course. I'm joining her fanclub. And me, I got shat on by a bird on a swanky boulevard. A bird that had totally been knocking back blackberries. 0o0.
Was really sleepy from train travel this afternoon until I got to London Bridge and I heard the dulcet tones of one of my fave platform announcers. And now this train is rrrrrrrrrrrrreeeaady toooooooooo ... depart rrrrrrrrrruuuumblllle.
No plane ticket yet. Waiting waiting so I can email best friend and say "yes, take the day off!" Same best friend who is getting a Tonkinese for whom I have forbad the name Tonks.
Sleepy. bed.