It's 9.51am and I just wept to my mum on the phone. I never thought I'd get homesick. I suppose it's easy to feel homesick when you don't know when your next pay is coming and no one will answer your emails.
The point is, I have been a little preoccupied :)
On the upside, I think
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That's it! You go on and on and you get through a lot of stuff and then one day it all hits you and you're overwhelmed and you just want your mum or dad to fix it for you, or at least hold your hand while you do it or pat you on the back afterwards. That's probably something we'll never completely grow out of, huh? I mean, I'm a pretty bad daughter in terms of keeping in touch but it made me feel so much better to speak to my mum, even if speaking to her did make me cry, finally (incidentally, your last comment also made me cry, but I think that was related to my just returning to my room after unplanned tears in front of my flatmates. oh crap, today is the day indeed). The good thing is ... well I always thought I would hate leaving London, and I know I will be sad as hell when the day comes, but it won't be all bad, you know? I'm glad I can feel happy about home because I always really wondered about that.
Anyway, there's this dissertation-thing I'm meant to be working on ... thank you soooo much, Liz! :):)
Oh...who knows. Some part of us will probably always want that comfort, because it was the first comfort we ever knew. And that's all right, isn't it? As long as the comfort is there eventually. If that makes sense. Probably not. Ummm...
The good thing is ... well I always thought I would hate leaving London, and I know I will be sad as hell when the day comes, but it won't be all bad, you know?
Yes! I remember walking around my campus in Brighton and feeling like the string that connects me to it will snap as soon as I get far enough on the plane, and it was the most painful thought. But when the time actually came, I was pretty ready to come back - especially on the last day - it was one of the loneliest days of my life: all my friends had gone, I was by myself for the entire day, with a hostel room to not want to come back to. It was horrendous. >.< Getting on the plane was good. I hope That Day is better for you, and you'll get those hugs when you get home. :)
I'm sorry you cried... but sometimes, it helps a bit? (I always have a good cry-out, I can't help. I'm such a cry-baby!) Wah. *hugs hugs hugs* Saying goodbye to friends is the worst. I ended up saying goodbye to one friend of mine three times, and by the third time, she was ready to hit me. It was so sad.
*hugehugehugehuge hugs :)))))*
I'm comforted by it because I thought maybe I didn't need it. Too independent and everything. Now I know I'm just garden-variety independent :)
That feeling when things don't fit anymore, when the moment has passed can be shattering. I'm lucky because I have friends in London, so I have people to stay with but it has it's own problems. They're part of this group which always seems to get split between the UK and Australia. And so when I say goodbye to them I know I might not see them for a year or two, which is kinda more hurtful than the idea that I might never meet the friends I made at school again. Oh but this becomes unavoidable as you get older, doesn't it? You can't be near all your friends. I'll settle for some, happily :)
I'm a cry-baby, too! Or rather, I'm an ice-queen until something happens and then it's cry cry cry! Over nothing! It's very therapeutic.
We all need a little love sometimes.*g*
It's so hard, having friends all over the place, but it's also a nice thought - if you go anywhere, you have a chance to visit people you love and you always have a place to stay. *g* I miss my friends a lot, and it sucks so much sometimes, I want to cry. I guess I just try to remember that they're OutThereSomewhere. Heh.
I'll settle for some, happily :)
Totally. :)
Heee, in a galaxy far, far away ...
ps: good news just arrived in my inbox! I'm getting paid! *dances so is dizzy*
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