Never will I rebuke myself for sleeping in again. Otherwise I could potentially have been at either Kings Cross or Russell Square around 9ish this morning.
Seriously, that bus? Where I walk when going from SOAS to British Library, and vice versa. Scary shit.
So, yes I'm ok. And still finding it somewhat bizarre that
theshoesis had to tell me via a text from Oz.
*loves on my bubble and the safety of Zone 2*
Although my first thought - disgruntled Olympic applicants. No one in London wants the games anyway.
ETA: I can't think of anything worse than being stuck in that tube tunnel *for hours*, full of smoke and *not knowing* what was happening.
And, in addition, life goes on here as normal, except that the tv is left on in the kitchen and everyone has their mobile phones with them, and the sound of sirens is constant. Even here.