Last Stop Gakuen: OOC & IC Information

Oct 23, 2007 02:33

Name/Nickname: Numi
Age: 25
Main journal: numisma
Contact information: Numisma I Am & Taijiyacest (AIM), numisma_i_am (Yahoo)

Character: Fuji Syuusuke
Age: 15
Series character is from: Prince of Tennis
Point of time in the series from which the characer is taken: post-Nationals/post-series by over a year
Sexual Orientation: Fuji is definitely bisexual, though he's not fond of that term. As he puts it, he doesn't swing, he resonates. ^_^
Personality/Canon facts:
Fuji is an introvert disguised as an extrovert; he's polite, cheerful, friendly and approachable, but with an air of mystery about him. He's relatively modest and while he doesn't mind the spotlight too much, it's not his favorite place to be. He tends to keep the more personal things to himself. He is noted for this, his tendency to be vague or play games (semantics or otherwise), his charming sense of humor, and his laidback, carefree nature. Fuji takes things as they are, and enjoys being selectively serious. Pushing others to their limits - be it through teasing, tennis, or something else entirely - really gives him a thrill.

Sample post:
That's funny. This train must be secretly related to the subway tunnels in Gaiman-san's Neverwhere. This doesn't look like Ueno Park to me.

Ah well. I might as well venture out and take a look around. Good thing I have my camera on me. ^_^

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