
Feb 23, 2008 17:44

For the past seven years, Sheik had roamed Hyrule, training her body and magics so she may better fend of the evils corrupting the land, and helping people in any ways she could. But before these years of darkness, Sheik did not exist.

Instead, there was a girl named Zelda. As the crown princess of Hyrule, she was trained, almost from birth, for her eventual ascension to the throne. Etiquette, diplomacy and matters of state were all second nature to her by the time she was six. And though she was polite, kind, and as charming as a princess should be, Zelda was something of a tomboy. She was not at all adverse to learning swordplay, horsemanship and archery, arts usually reserved for princes. She also developed a love for learning, and with the expansive castle library, she was never short of reading material.
Her peaceful life, however, was not destined to last.

On the cusp of her thirteenth year, an exotic stranger came calling to the castle, a king of the desert tribes. His name was Ganondorf, and he sought to make an alliance with the king. While the king readily welcomed the charming desert lord, Zelda's instincts, and a prophetic dream, led her to mistrust the man. Her mistrust was confirmed when a young boy from the Kokiri Forest, Link, came to her with the news that the Great Deku Tree had been killed by Ganondorf, in his attempt to steal the powerful artifact, the Spiritual Stone of the Forest, that it was hiding. This stone, once reunited with two others, would open a path to the Triforce, a powerful magic item that could grant the wishes of whoever claimed it.

Already having told her father of her prophetic dream, only to have him believe it to be more a fantasy than a truth, Zelda knew that she and Link were the only ones who could protect the Triforce from Ganondorf's evil intent. While Link went in search of the two remaining Spiritual Stones, Zelda set herself up as guardian of the Ocarina of Time, for if the instrument were used in conjunction with the Stones, the path to the Triforce, the Sacred Realm, would be revealed.

Things seemed to be going in favour of the two youngsters, but on the very night Link returned with all three of the Spiritual Stones, Ganondorf launched his attack on the castle, killing the king before he turned his sights on Zelda. But before he could attack, Impa, Zelda's Sheikah bodyguard and caretaker, escaped from the castle with the princess in tow. As they made their escape, Ganondorf hot on their heels, Zelda managed to throw the Ocarina of Time to Link.

Knowing that he was not strong enough to stop the desert king intent upon wreaking havoc upon the land, Link took the only option open to him, and used the Ocarina and Stones to get to the Triforce. Yet Ganondorf, who was a cunning man, knew Link would do this, and so, unseen, he slipped into the Sacred Realm, and claimed the Triforce before Link could.

But fate was once again on the side of the children, for the Triforce, unable to bear the evil in Ganondorf's heart, split into three pieces, the Triforces of Power, Courage and Wisdom. Ganondorf managed to keep hold of Power, but Courage and Wisdom managed to escape to more suitable hosts. Those hosts were Link and Zelda respectively.

Link, through the intervention of the Sage Rauru, was to be kept safe within the Sacred Realm for seven years time, so that he would grow strong enough to be a threat to Ganondorf. Zelda, meanwhile, decided to take her fate into her own hands. Under the tutelage of Impa, Zelda trained in the ways of the Sheikah, so that she might hide right under the nose of her enemies, all the while aiding her people.

For seven years she trained and toiled, safe despite the dangers she faced, waiting for Link to return so that the final move against Ganondorf could be made.

At last that day came, and Zelda, now in the guise of Sheik, lent her aide to the returned hero. Yet knowing the agents of Ganondorf were always on the lookout for Princess Zelda, Sheik kept her true identity hidden from Link, despite her trust in him.

Together Link and Sheik searched for the six other Sages who were destined to help Rauru in sealing away Ganondorf, Link charging into battle while Sheik, unseen and unknown, aided him from the shadows.

Soon enough Link had managed to find five out of the missing six Sages, and the time came for Sheik to reveal her true identity; that of Princess Zelda, and as the seventh and final Sage.

But just as she was making her way to him, she was struck by a blinding headache, a rush of vertigo, and the sensation of wind. The next thing she knew, she was in a bare white room. A room very far from Hyrule.
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