Dec 12, 2004 23:22
I wrote this entry upon arrival of the Lick Observatory here oh Hamilton Mt. Obviously, it was before i found out that i would be able to hook my laptop up to the internet in the control room of the 3m telescope here - the largest one.
Currently, I am done with making the schedule for tonight's spectrum gatherings... however it looks like they are going to close the telescope after our current exposure. The control room guy says that the humidity has risen too much and that the mirror of the telescope is getting condensation on it. Apparently a big no-no. Nao, the grad student who is teaching me the ropes, is quite sad. the conditions for observing tonight are perfect, and we might have to call it a night. I actually wouldn't mind that.. that means going to bed at 12 instead of 6 am.
anyhoo... here was my journal entray at 4:16pm
Alright. This is definitely one of those times when I ask
Baily….what did you get yourself into? I am actually on top of a mountain in the middle of no where…lying on a sea-foam green bed typing this knowing full well that no one will be able to read it until I get home. It’s 4:17. dinner is at 5, and so is sunset. Nao and I will begin observing at 5:30.
I’m nervous. I’m not in the room that I am supposed to be in. I am supposed to be sleeping in the room right below the 3m telescope, but the lady who cooks at the dining hall talked me out of it. We call them the “submarine” rooms because they have no windows she says. I want windows… even though I am mostly going to be sleeping during the daytime. I hope Nao isn’t mad.
This room is so empty that it’s creepy. It’s a pretty big room, especially for only one person. it’s got nice hardwood floors, a wooden desk that looks like it has been painted an off brown. There is an old dresser with faux brass handles. And a chair with green upholstery, which I can tell is probably supposed to match the bed spread. It doesn’t. and now, me. I’m not sure why I’m typing all this up. Perhaps it’s because I misplaced my iPod (..i refuse to say “lost”) and forgot my cell phone at home… I need to feel connected to something. Maybe I’ll try to take a nap.