*is watching Earth for something to do, and catches sight of something very interesting*
Oh-oh...! *stares, wings quivering* *energy sense radiating a mixture of shock, admiration, trepidation and jealousy* Of all the...!
*trails off* *mutters to self* It's fine. Galvatron knows what he's doing. It's fine.
*looks up at the small wallchart that appears to have been painted straight onto the panelling of the room, in what looks like leftover space-camo paint*
Decepticon Army Survival Guidelines
Rule #1: Galvatron always knows what he's doing.
Rule #2: If available evidence appears to suggest that Galvatron has in fact completely lost it this time, get out of the line of fire and then refer to Rule One.
Rule #3: The safest place to stand is usually behind Cyclonus.
Corollary #3a: Unless Cyclonus is in trouble at the time, in which case the safest place to stand is as far away from him as possible. The other side of the planet ought to just about do it.
Rule #4: Never ignore a warning shot. It is called a warning shot for a reason.
Rule #5: Never trust anyone you can see through.
Rule #6: While theft in itself is not a crime, think practically. Do not attempt to steal anything too large, valuable or obvious to hide and/or fence. Cityformers in particular should be left where you find them.
Rule #7: Never take a tipoff from a Quintesson.
Corollary #7a: We caution strongly against taking anything else from a Quintesson either.
Rule #8: Too much television is bad for you.
Rule #9: All ancient and/or mystical artefacts should be handed over to appropriately authorised personnel immediately. This ensures that they, rather than you, will suffer the inevitable nasty side effects.
Corollary #9a: Rule Nine ALWAYS applies, no matter how much power said artefact purports to offer you.
Rule #10: Optimus Prime is not dead. Ever.
*refers to Rule One* *thinks for a moment and then refers to Rule Two as well* *refers back to Rule One*
...right. *worried look*
*awkward pause, optics still glued to the screens* *could say a great many things but isn't sure I want any of them voiced out loud*
*changes the subject*
While I'm here, my apprentice has been interrogating me again:
1. If you could put a camera anywhere (that you haven't bugged already, that is ^_~) without reprisal, where would it be and what would you be watching?
If I wasn't worried that I'd end up seeing more than I wanted to *shudders*... I'd say the inside of Unicron's head, the core section that you aren't using. There are too many people skulking around there and none of them are up to anything good.
2. What really, really drives you up the wall?
Sweeps. ¬.¬
(Not that it doesn't annoy me even more when other people insult them or treat them badly, mind you, but that's different. They're my clone army and I can complain about them all I like.)
3. Name one thing that humans as a species do that you just can't get your head around.
Being nice to people they neither like nor need to impress. Why do humans feel they have to do this?
4. How did you react when you found out about the OOT? (I think I'll end up asking all of you this one...) *rollsoptics, grinning* Incredulous, headdesk, curious..?
My first reaction was something like "Unicron's done what now and do I need to run away?" But when I learned you were on our side rather than his, I decided it couldn't do any harm to have you around...
...how wrong I was. *looks at you sternly, but with a twinkle in one optic*
5. What's the stupidest thing you've ever seen someone do?
*thinks, frowning nervously*
Answering this question in a public post would be the stupidest thing I'd ever seen anyone do. I pass. Though watching
octs trying to walk off with a Cityformer and hoping no-one would notice is definitely high on the list.
Over and out,