exhaustion, annoyance, and boredness

May 28, 2005 23:01

well yes idk why but i am exhausted right now. i woke up at 7 got out of bed at 7:40am and nikki drove us to her house cuz she slept over. from there i went to Tim's house to wrestle. it had a bad start with pinet flipping out over stupid shit but it got better through out the day sorta. once wrestling was over i stayed at tims house for a little while and we hung out before he went to work. I went to nikki's and pinet was there and we went to pick up Tim's photo's and it was just a bad idea all around for me to go alone with pinet. i'm really just grrr right now. we spent the whole car ride arguing then he started flipping out on me and it got me really pissed off. i was 2 seconds away from just getting out of the car in the middle of the road and walking back to nikki's house just on the way to cvs. the ride home was more arguing followed with complete silence.  idk i'm just tired. but hey today i was in a wrestling ring for the first time ever i mean a real ring not a trampoline nikki and i did some wrestling and found out just how diffrent it is from a trampoline! but anywhoo yeah i'm tired and frustrated and i just dont know what to do anymore. i feel like pinet is running my life and if i do something for me it will only come back to hurt me cuz pinet will get upset and then others will get upset and tell me to not do it anymore and honestly i dont care right now i am really rethinking the friends thing. i know he likes me and i dont want to hurt him because he is my friend but i am not going to keep doing this i cannot live my life for pinet i wont do it. i cant make all my decisions based on him if thats the way it's gonne be me having to live my life constantly worrying and censering myself then this isnt worth it to me. right now i feel numb completely. i'm exhausted and i just dont care i feel like i am gonna pass out. not to menchine i fucking ate way to damn much blah i'm gonna pop but enough bitching XD ok well i am exhausted and i cant keep my freaking eyes open so untill next time peace out bitches!

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