Today's fuck-ass Tweets

Apr 18, 2010 23:55

Find me here: fapfapmofo

  • 16:45 #welcometotwitter it's like myspace got too complicated and everyone came here #
  • 16:46 #nowplaying SoulSilver.....this tag's about gaming, right? #
  • 16:53 SoulSilver - I am furiously clicking around Bulbapedia, researching which Pokemon I need to trade with and... #
  • 18:18 Photo: omg lol BEST COMIC EVER #
  • 18:46 omg actually opening TS2 instead of DLing CC #
  • 19:01 As long as Firefox spellcheck continues to ignore British/Canadian spelling, I will always doubt my spelling of "jewellery" and "cancelled". #
  • 19:05 I NEED SUGAR #menstrualmunchies (RT, let's trend this) #
  • 19:06 Dating a Leo, and this is true. #ZodiacFacts A #Leo Man loves to wear his heart on his sleeves. #
  • 19:07 @ harlequeen .................♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ #
  • 19:11 ♫ Don't stop till you get enough ♫ #nowplaying #
  • 19:12 @ harlequeen Will it replace all my ?s with eh?s #
  • 19:23 @ harlequeen I am seriously going to look into it. #
  • 19:24 realise...........Well, guess I need the Brit dictionary :/ #
  • 22:50 Photo: fuckyeahragetoons: #
  • 22:52 Philosiraptor ILU #
  • 22:53 Whoops four Tumbls today. Must be bored. BEDTIME GUISE C U 2MORROW #
  • 22:54 One last thing: #teamyoureallidiots #
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Did nothing yesterday, in other words. We played Magic: The Gathering on XBL for an hour or so and then we laid in bed and played the new Pokemon games for HOURS and traded some things around. I want a party of Eevees :$

games, music, tumblr, twitter, the curse, randomosity

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