Striped Wall: A Screencap Collective: Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy Online Gallery: Grey's Anatomy
Lost Media: Lost
VM Caps:Veronica Mars
ewanism iiokua meleada sugarplumkitten sanami276 melisah Did I not credit you? Comment here to let me know.
This post will be edited as I add more resources to it. :)
As you can see, this is not a very extensive resource list. It's because I just wanted to get a post up before it was so late it'd look silly. It's not complete, and won't be until I have the time to finish it up.
- NO hotlinking. This will make me angry.
- Don't use my icons as bases unless I say you can do so.
- Credit
harvardbarbie Moved here from
lostfromgrace . Do yourself a favor and never go there, because the icons there are really nasty.