Mini Art Dump

Dec 30, 2011 16:16

End-of-year art dump, or something like that. I haven't had a lot of time to draw (or try to) and I recently hit a serious block so nothing happened even when I did have time. But it seems that Bleach -- and Isshin & Masaki in particular -- is helping me get over it. I'll place it all under cut so I don't take up too much space on your Flist. I started the first piece a while ago and struggled with various parts but got it done the other day. The second one… simply happened yesterday. I could have posted it last night, but I wanted to sleep on it, just to be sure. And the third is the Summary of Art meme I've been doing for a few years now.

This is most likely going to be the last entry for 2011. Hope everyone has a nice time this weekend. I'm hoping to get over this cold. I do not want a repeat of the Barry White voice I had this morning when I woke up XD

Mine by *HiddenGems on deviantART

Wanna Play...? by *HiddenGems on deviantART

2011 Summary of Art by *HiddenGems on deviantART

art dump, isshin, masaki, art, bleach fanart

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