Bleach ficlet for the lulz

Jan 25, 2010 19:01

I didn't see it yesterday because I didn't check LJ all afternoon/evening but laurabryannan put up a sort of informal Multi-fandom Man!Cold Challenge. I was convinced I wouldn't be able to write anything since I don't write on command (and I'm supposed to be finishing my next JxM chapter) but I'm delighted to see that my Bleach!Muse proved me wrong.

So here's the direct link to my silly entry. Just for the lulz.

Title: Man Cold
Fandom: Bleach
Characters: Med school!Isshin & Ryuuken, Masaki
Pairings: Isshin/Masaki
Rating: PG
Word count: 1,214 words
Warning: Spoiler for revelation in chapter 186
Disclaimer: Bleach © Kubo Tite, blah blah blah…

( Before taking up permanent residence in the Human World,
Isshin had done extensive research about everyday human life.

isshin, for the lolz, bleach fic

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