(no subject)

Dec 29, 2008 02:30

some of it :)

I am a volleyball player because..

1. the words “outside”, “middle” and “opposite” means a lot to me.
2. i could probably beat almost anyone in squats.
3. when a ball is hurled at my face, i either set, pass, or hit it.
4. i know what a libero is/does.
5. i have more than one pair of knee pads.
6. i get angry when someone says, “volleyball isn’t a hard sport.”
7. i own at least five shirts that have “volleyball”.
8. i know how to tape myself.
9. i have injuries on my knees, elbows, ankles, neck, shoulders, back, head.
10.I’ve tried setting into a basketball ring.
11.I know a pancake is more than just something to eat.
12.i think TV should show more volleyball than any other sport.
13.i know my vertical. And always hope somehow it gets higher.
14.I’ve had at least one ball hit on my face. (countless! omg)
15.i have to admit that i like those “ACE!” cheers.
16.when i see a volleyball, i have to touch it.
17.at one point in my life, I’ve had knee problems. (and got an mc for 2 months)
18.i know what those “other” lines in the gym are for.
19.i don’t dribble balls, i smack them with the palm of my hand.
20.i own a pair of volleyball shoes.
21.i know what 4-2, 6-2, and 5-1 are.
22.i can dive on a gym floor.
23.when i see a tall person and think, “She/He would make a great volleyball player”.
24.I’ve driven miles to practice and to tournaments.
25.i either laugh or get really mad when i see other people trying to play volleyball.
26.i get really upset when someone kicks a volleyball.
27.volleyball is more important … than anything else that i have to do.
28.i have permanent floor-burn marks.
29.i’ve wanted to kill my coach at one point.
30.Two words. “Get low”.
31.i know what “side out” means. Or i don’t, but i yell it anyway.
32.i think it’s normal to have balls deliberately hit at my face.
33.i can put my hand up to a volleyball net and tell someone how close it is to the height it’s supposed to be.
34.i dive and always dive
35.when i'm angry i tend to treat the ball as someone i don't like and whack the hell out of them real hard
36.play despite injuries
37.wished i was taller so that i can play more positions
44.sneaked out of house past 12mn to play vb
38.i love Giba
39.gets angry when my vb idol makes silly mistakes
40.i like stuffing vballs into my jersey and treat the vball like a baby
41.i accidentally kissed the ball
42.i dreamt of becoming a vb superstar
43.i like the satisfaction of receiving a perfect ball
45.a friend persuaded me to join a mini tournament when i was 9 and have been playing ever since
46.i threaten to whack people with vballs
47.i like the beach too
48.thinks that zebra tanned legs are kool after training in the sun with kneepads
49.gets excited in the midst of the match
50. likes shouting

there's more but i'm to lazy to type em all out!
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