...I have oddly specific bruises.

Apr 04, 2007 23:56

So it's spring break, and I am in N'Awlins, building houses. (Well, one house, in specific, but shh~)

Here are my thoughts in a nutshell: (ridiculously long post (WITH PICTURES!) to come. As soon as I load said pictures on to my computer.)

A) It is ridiculously hot here. As I check my temperature gage here and compare it w/Minneapolis stats... sucks to be you guys~ It's about 35 degrees there. And um... 80 here. (And yet I'm wearing a sweatshirt. WHAT THE HELL?)

B) In Mpls, the city I have lived my WHOLE LIFE IN, I cannot find my way places to save my life. In New Orleans, a city I have spent a total of four-and-a-half days in, I am actually quite good with directions. (Again, what the hell?)

C) Me + Cajun spicy food = happy. :D

D) Me walking out into sunlight pretty much equals me being sunburned. I am... very, very pink right now. *pouts*

E) I'm so going to live here. XD

F) Scarily enough, I'm developing a southern accent. But only about half the time, and only on some words, and it's CREEPING ME OUT. I mean, I love southern accents. They're so pretty. But I just sound dumb. Like some stupid person trying to imitate an accent. BUT I'M NOT TRYING. It just... happens... *woe*

Now, on to the real reason of this post. TSUBASA SPAZ!

Okay, not a real ranty-rant. Just a few thoughts.


I love angst. LOVELOVELOVE. Unabashedly. This makes me super!crazymadhappy. Emo like you mean it, Fai~ And go comfort him with the power of smex, Kurogane~

And um... wtf is up with CLAMP's obsession with Fai's bellybutton? Like, it's the most emo scene in the whole manga so far, and right in the middle of the page is Fai's cute little tummy. Am I the only one who finds that weird?

Look. There it is. *pokes it*

That's all. XD

n'orleans, new orleans

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