Apr 01, 2012 00:44
Oh, so I've been hesitant to type this out, but a couple of months my roommates were working on a movie called 'The East' and Aldis Hodge was cast in it. My roomie is a very... lovable chick. She just attracts attention. Her and Aldis became really good friends and we even all went bowling together. SO YEAH. It was really hard not to fan girl cause he was just so awesome and laid back, but we were just hanging out. My other roomie really wanted to get a picture of the two of them for her massive collection but my other roomie said to not be weird and mention tv stuff. She kind of pissed us of. But yeah, we played pool one night and then went bowling another night (holy fuck he's like a pro!). So yeah, I just wanted to tell someone who actually knew him.