
Apr 19, 2005 21:41

H a v e y o u e v e r . . .

01. Fallen for your best friend? yea
02. Made out with JUST a friend? nope
03. Been rejected? who hasnt
04. Been in love? i wouldnt say in love
05. Been in lust? no
06. Used someone? no
07. Been used? probably
08. Cheated on someone? nope
09. Been cheated on? dont think so
10. Been kissed? sorta..lol
11. Done something you regret? yea everyone has

W h o w a s t h e l a s t p e r s o n . . .

12. You touched? my mom...lol
13. You talked to? the kook ruggiero
14. You hugged? my mom
15. You instant messaged? ruggiero
16. Kissed? no one
17. You yelled at? my mom because i felt sick and she kept asking me all these questions and i thought i was gonna puke...lmao
18. You laughed with? my brother
19. You had a crush on? u wish!
20. broke your heart? no one

D o Y o u ?

22. Color your hair? i did
24. Piercings? yeap my first and second holes
25. Have a girlfriend? nope
26. Floss daily? not daily, when i remember and feel like it i do..haha
27. Own a webcam? no
28. Ever get off the damn computer? yeap, lmao--u have to pry be off it
29. Sprechen sie deutsche? lmao
30. Habla espanol? some

G e n e r a l Q u e s t i o n s. . .

40. Considered a life of crime? nope
41. Considered being a hooker? nah
42. Considered being a pimp? nope
43. Are you psycho? lmao at times
44. Split personalities? bipolar maybe...lol-being a gemini explains everything
45. Schizophrenic? no
46. Obsessive? over some things
47. Obsessive compulsive? no
48. Panic? lmao--all the time
49. Anxiety? who doesnt suffer from this? lmao
50. Depressed? nope
51. Suicidal? no
52. Obsessed with Hate? no
53. Dream of mutilated bodies? uh how about no
54. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? lol

R a n d o m S t u f f . . .

55.If you could be anywhere, where would you be? the beach
56. What would you be doing? laying on my chair drinking lemonade and listening to music and looking at a magazine!! aaaaaaawwww
58. What are you listening to? life is a highway
59. Can you do anything freakish with your body? umm my shoulder pops out of place, my ankles, back and wrists crack..lmao..i cna roll my eyes in back of my head<--yea i guess u cna say im weird
60. Chicken or fish? fish
61. Do you have a favorite animal, no matter how lame it may be? dogs and horses<--even though im deathly allergic to horses, i still love them

C u r r e n t l y :

62. Current Clothes: pjs..t-shirt and loose pants
63. Current Mood: sick
64. Current Taste: water
65. Current Hair: wet and in a bun
66. Current Annoyance: stomach ache and throw up feel..lmao--if u really wanted to know
67. Current Smell: nothing
68. Current thing I ought to be doing: sleeping
69. Current Desktop Picture: picture of jackd
70. Current Favorite Group: idk i like everything
71. Current Book: idk
72. Current DVD In Player: idk
73. Current Refreshment: waterr
74. Current Worry: if i will still be sick tomorrow because i have work

F a v o r i t e s :

76. Food: pasta
77. Drink: dels, water and iced coffee
78. Color: purple and yellow
79. Shoes: everything
80. Candy: starbursts
81. Animal: dogs & horses
82. Movie: the notebook, chasing liberty, napoleon dynamite...the list goes on
83. Dance: yeap
84. Vegetable: colley flower<--spelled that wrong i think

F u t u r e :

85. What do you want to be when you get older? a spanish teacher or like psychologist
86: Married?: yeap
87: Kids? 3
88: Living Where?: not sure

T h i s o r T h a t :

89: Gay or straight??: Straight
90: Boxers or Briefs: Boxers
91: Reading or Writing: reading
92: Basketball or Baseball: Basketball
93: Walking or Running?: walking
95: Left or Right?: right
96: TV Shows or Movies?: movies
97: Britney or Christina?: umm britney
98: Rap or Rock?: rock
99: Day or Night?: night
100. Do you think Kevin of Kevin and Mattfunkel is good looking? i dont know who they are lol

well that was fun---im going to bed--i feel like crap! byee

<3 me
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