Silver Moon Witch. you are the moon witch. you are
peaceful,solitary,and full of logic. some will
even comapre you to the godesses. your song is
"a winter's tale" by AFI
What witch are you? (gorgeous pics - 7 different results) brought to you by
Quizilla purple
I'm walking around more these days for fun,
And I'm trying to be strong.
I can't believe how far I've come,
Because I've fought it for so long.
What Rose Are You?* currently editing sorry if it looks bad!! highlight words 2 read them * Luvs quizmakers brought to you by
Quizilla kiss on the lips - you're sweet and simple but
quite daring. you move for the kill confidently
knowing the other person wants the same thing.
What Sign of Affection Are You? brought to you by
Quizilla The goddess of Harmony. You can get along with
pretty much anyone. You are able to fit into
any type of crowd and can be popular one day,
or not noticed the next. You keep ALL your
friends in check by stating obvious solutions
and telling them to never regret anything they
do in life. Because of your logic, people DO
sometimes find it hard to get along with you,
but once you assure them that your logic only
comes when is needed, they open up to you and
can tell you anything. You are most likely the
"shoulder-to-cry-on" in your group(s)
of friends and many people look up to you! Your
power would be to unite all universes with your
What are you a Goddess of? - (with anime pics) brought to you by
Quizilla Minnie Mouse
Which DISNEY character are you most like? brought to you by