Title: My Tea For Two with You
hidaka_yuushi Pairing(s): YooSu
Length: one shot, epilogue of Should I still Stand By You
Genre: Fluff... super fluff
Rating: PG
Summary: Treasuring the one you love is the most important thing... especially after you know how it feels to lose him...
an epilogue for my one shot story 'Should I still Stand By You' that was dedicated to
micah88 . After writing the angst story of Yoosu, I figured they deserved their fluffy happy ending. And I made this companion based on Yoochun's interview in which he said, Tea for Two is tha happy ending for Stand By You^^. So please read and enjoy it.
Oh and I recommend listening 'Tea For Two' while reading this^^
Comments are definitely appreciated!
Should I still Stand By You my tea for two with you