Jul 18, 2006 21:15
alright peoples, I am now officially back in jackson. For how long I can't exactly say, but it's definetly at least several months. As for the events that brought about this move... well, let's just say that there a few to many to mention here. If you wanna hear all about it take me out for a beer some time. That's right, you can take me out for a beer because I am now 21! Birthday went amazing, at least the parts of it that I remember. Anywho, as to the purpose of the post. Now that I am back in jack-town, I am bored. like really really really bored. I miss my hustle and bustle of K-zoo, and if you knew how little I did there it'd really give you an idea as to how much I've been up to here in the last few days since I got back. So if any of you out there in the digital plains feel like entertaining me, please feel free to contact me through whatever means neccessary and we'll party like it's 1895.