early morning rusings

Apr 04, 2006 06:39

I think i've forgotten how to sleep. No, not that i've forgotten how i 'spose, just don't particularly enjoy it. Going to sleep means i have to stop thinking, and that's something i've forgotten how to do.

I've always had a mild fascination with fire. No, not like a pyromaniacal fascination, i'm not going to be lighting any buildings anytime soon, but the very nature of it fascinates me. It is one of the single most destructive forces on the planet, it has the capability of destroying entire forests and cities. Left unchecked, it will consume everything in its path. However, by its very nature it is also self-destructive. It will continue to consume and consume and consume, until there's nothing left and it's left to extinguish due to its own progression. It has to be controlled, contained, continually provided with fuel but at a steady rate, so as not to let it grow unchecked but also to prevent it from flickering and dying. It bears some interesting parallels on certain aspects of the human nature, my own specifically i suppose since it's the only one i can speak on from personal experience.

Random web trawlings (a favorite past time of mine) have also had me thinking about the phoenix of egyptian mythology as of late as well. For those of you who don't know what it is, well shame on you, and read up on it here


When the phoenix reaches the end of its lifespan, or rather i suppose i should say the end of its current cycle, it ignites itself and its' nest, and is consumed by the flames, completely reduced to ash. From the ashes a new phoenix then arises, a resurrection of the previous bird but still a new entity in and of itself, the same and yet changed. Again, i find another element of fire that i identify with, albeit a mythological bird of fire but still. Only one phoenix exists at any one time, completely unique, in much the same way that each of us exist only as a single unique entity. And in certain times of great distress, hardship, or happiness, we find the nest we've put ourselves in, be it a home, relationship, job, etc., can be figuratively (or in the case of the truly unfortunate, literally) ignited. Our life can become completely consumed, only for us to emerge from the event a new entity, still the same person we were before but changed because of it.

To a smaller degree this is true of every decision and influence throughout our lifespan, since we are shaped by our actions and experiences, but I have only been pondering it in relation to the larger events of ones life as of recent. Though I suppose every event of any significance, no matter how small that significance may be feels large enough at the time when it affects us, and is merely a bump in the road of life when looked upon in retrospect. But I digress. Each of us emerges from these incidents a new being, a new creation molded from the ashes of the nest we lost along with the person we were. It's a somewhat disturbing thought I'll admit, yet to me at the same time oddly comforting. I simply wonder how long it will take before my flames have finished consuming me and my new phoenix can arise.

and no, none of this means i'm going to light myself on fire, so no sending the men with the white coat, I've gotten good at knawing through the sleeves anyway.

My mild obsession has made me desperately want to get this image tattooed somewhere on my body.
However it also goes against my deep and intense hatred for "tribal" tattoos. Also risks me being disowned, but meh.

In addition I am horribly dissapointed with myself for having forgotten so much of my HTML coding skillz that i can't remember at the moment how to anchor those links to text. Granted, it is 7 am, but irregardless I used to know this stuff back and forwards.

Holy hell has this gotten long. Are you seriously still reading this? I'm sure there's something else you should be doing, and there's certainly better uses of your time than reading my musings. Russian roulette for example, at least there you have a better chance of avoiding massive brain trauma than reading this dribble. Okay, i think i'm done now, off to go lay down and pretend like i'm sleeping for a bit. I'll post again sometime soon with the actual funny musings i've had lately, maybe when I haven't been awake all night and am feeling all introspective-y.
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