Nov 01, 2009 18:12
Thanks to everyone who showed up to help out with the move. We never would have managed to get everything done so quickly without all of your efforts. We are both touched and deeply grateful that so many people turned out to aid us in our time of need. ^_^
In other news, we have internet! Just got it turned on about 20 minutes ago. Man, I hadn't realized how much I use the internet until we didn't have it. XD We also have cable TV now, since it's the main source of entertainment for Chi's mom. I don't see myself using it very much, which naturally means that I'm going to go back to being a tube-addict in no time flat.
I'm also apparently over the mild flu I had most of last week, though Chisa is still suffering. It's strange for her to be sicker than me, so I'm naturally a little worried. Not much I can do about it, though, especially since I go back to work tonight and school tomorrow morning.
What a whirlwind weekend it's been! Back to the grind tomorrow!