May Update:

Jun 02, 2010 00:50

Ever get that feeling when you know you're going to make it big in life, that's exactly what I felt last month. Words can't express how much I'm looking forward to my future. Maybe god has put out all these challenges in my past life for a reason, and its made me into the person I am.

Oh if you're

My god I had the worst work out month in May. Ran 27 miles less than my monthly average, didn't go to the gym as much, ate like a slob (approximately 30 hamburgers). drank sooo god damn much, etc. But funny thing is, I STILL HAVE MY 6 PACK!!! Maybe it my metabolism, but I dunno how the fuck this happened! Now that tutoring is over, I'm ready to pump iron 3-4 hours a day, 6x a week!

Its still going strong every Sunday! I'm glad majority of my friends are into it and its creating a lot of great new friendships. I can easily do this every Sunday for the rest of my life: Beer, friends, video games, food, poker and good times.

I'm so glad to be reconnecting with so many old best friends. One specifically who comes into mind is Banessa Monterrosa. Ever since she became single, we've literally became BFF's. Even after being in a relationship for like 5 years, our friendship was still there. I'm so sad to see her go though. She will be attending Harvard for a year and much as I am proud of her, I will miss her sooo much. I'm honestly afraid to see her make a living there. She's the best female friend I got and even though I know we will remain the best of friends, I would hate to be distant of her. Well I got a few days left until she leaves, so I need to play cupid and find her a successful guy. She deserves it

I honestly do miss a lot of people who'm I haven't seen in a long time. The people whom I really enjoy being around with. People such as Andres Munoz, Afram Chukro, Stephanie Cardenas, Aura Diaz, Omid Farivar, Marianne Jara, Laura Lopez just to name a few. These individuals are real people, optimistic, fair, supportive of my decisions, fun, and people whom I highly respect. Even though I don't see them very much, I love being around them. The chemistry around these people is amazing.

As for the rest of my friends, I'm glad the gym and poker has helped some of us bond! Lets keep it up

I worked my ass off so much this past month. The hours of sleep and gym time I've sacrificed was totally worth it though. I don't know the exact numbers, but before taxes, I must have made around $4000! Uncle Sam is going to be an asshole so that wont be my full pay off. Either way, that's what you call a hard job well done!

But the old me would have blown the money. Not me! When I saw my bank account go from $210 to $3000 in one day, I was amazed. I had no idea what to do with that money to be honest. And whats even more amazing, all that money is MINE! I've already payed the bills and debts and still had that money. So what am I going to do with the money. That brings up the next subject

Yes you read that right. I am already making plans to buy a house. I spoke to a co-worker who mentioned that houses in Lynwood are selling for under 200k. And Lynwood is a perfect place to live in for its semi-ghetto semi-nice area. With the kind of income I am pulling, this dream may become a reality. I may actually rent it out or keep it to my own, who knows. But I know now what I am capable of and I can make this happen by either the end of this year or by next year. I work very hard and I'm not the type of person who gives up.

As of matter in fact, I may cancel on future vacation plans I had in order to make this happen.

Before you start saying how hard it is to buy a house or other warning advices, don't worry. Just don't tell me that its impossible. I got this ;)

I've put much though about how my life has been going and I know deep inside I'm going to live a good life. Currently, my heart and soul is on the kids, and being a math teacher is what I am going for. But I DO NOT WANT a math degree. My god how boring is that going to be. I have to play it smart and think what will work in the future. Everywhere I went, I've heard so many stories of people not doing shit with their degrees. The economy is bad as it is and people are still chasing FALSE DREAMS! Let me put this into perspective

Ever notice how there are sooooooo many amazing college athletes. Especially white players! They are Heisman winners, they drive their teams to the championships, etc. But HOW MANY OF THOSE PLAYERS make it big in the professional leagues? Do you ever see the NFL or NBA hire college players from winning teams? How many times have you seen players stats on TV and they come from a college you've never heard of. Or more importantly, a college that didn't have a good record? If you can translate this into the real world, that's exactly what it is. People get the good grades, work hard, get the degree, and end up with a shitty job and move back with their parents. People dream of working for Apple, or Microsoft, but don't realize how tough it is to get in there. They end up getting a different career or end up hating their career choice. Its like professional sports teams: people dream of making it, but don't get what they want. In fact, most players don't end up playing for their dream team? DOES THIS MAKE SENSE?

Anyways, what I'm trying to get our of this is that I made a lot of thinking and realized that the smart thing to do is to go into teaching. Its a profession that will ALWAYS be in demand, the benefits are amazing, I get to work with tweens/teens, and the pay is great in my standards. Lets face it, I don't care about making 6 figures. I was brough to this planet to inspire and help out the less fortunate. Look at my current life, I'm surviving off an income of less than 2k a month. I don't see whats wrong with making 40-60k. If you love your job, and the pay can take care of you life, then why complain. So there you go, Edgar Nunez, future Jr High School math teacher.

I also find it funny how people are telling me how tough it is to teach. The bratty kids, the loads of paperwork, etc. I've been through 26 years of tough times, I can take on the challenge. I'm an adult already, I can't be afraid.

But what about school, I thought you said you don't want to be a math major? I know, and that's why I am going to pursue my "Interpersonal Communications" degree while earning my math credential. Its gonna be a while, but I will make this happen. The degree will help me out should I want a different career that will allow me to inspire and help out less fortunate kids. I used to be poor, I used to be picked on, I was the laughstock for a majority of my life. But this is my destiny, my calling, and I will show people that even the quiet kid can make it big in life.
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