need of updatage!!!

May 13, 2004 22:21

WOW! it's been FOREVER since i've updated!! ^^; well truthfully i've been too lazy too get it done....SO i'm just gonna paraphrase, if u want more detail....u can go and die!! J/K!! no just leave me a comment, call me, or talk to me at school or something. k? OK here we go!!

well on may 5th i went blind..YES blind! SO i went to the ER and skipped out of work and it turned out i had an allergic reaction to the sun! weird huh? something about the UV rays or something...but it's becoming more common and the dr. said she wants me to wear sunglasses more often! even tho i don't look good in sunglasses! ANYWHO!!

ummmmmm the awards banquet put me into a major depression b/c 1. i didn't get COYB but i lost to duane (even tho we tied) SO i didn't mind cuz he's my brother!!^^ THEN, i lost best 1st sgt to him too, agian didn't care...(cuz i knew he'd get that from day one of the school year! ^^) but what REALLY pushed me off the edge was when i didn't get comp. cmdr and EVERYONE else knew i deserved it....1> b/c i was pretty much already one....and 2>b/c specific people had talked col. out of giving it to me no names *cough* JILLKUKLENZ!!*cough* sry! o.O SO needless to say i was NOT in anymood to deal with anything w/ rotc! but i'm still pissed about it, but i'm just not making it into a bigger matter then my mother already made it! (my mommy ripped col. a new asshole!!! *hee hee* ^^) and SO, now knowing full well of his mistake.....nothings changed other than him kissing my and my mothers ass!

ummmmmm i got smacked in the face with a pole on tues so my new "nick-name" is "UNICORN" b/c of the bandaid that was on my nose that day...i looked like a deformed klingon!! but yeah, its ok now!!

ummmmmm, i hate ms. coley still!!!
ummm, i hate jill
ummmmm, col.'s in the top 10 list of people who i will cause pain too.

most of armed hates me b/c i'll be on the team next year so they are throwing a hissy fit about it!! but they're graduating!! so they can go cry me a river, build a bridge, jump OFF of it, drowned and die!! ^^

ummmmm, me and eric are doing fine!! we did have a lil' conflict at prom about dancing! (us both just being irritable!) OOOOO proms my next subj.! anywho, ummmm we'll be together for 4mths on may 27th!! yay! bad thing is he might be shipping out for SF's on my birth day!! *tear* so yeah! MY birthday's gonna be a "fun" one!!! o.o and we did have this little wierd thing were we decided on a few things b/t us during the weekend....yeah not saying anything to yall! but that gave us a lil' bump to go over...but yeah PROM!!!

ok, lets see it was FUN!! eric and i took endless pictures at my house w/ both our parents! *we were VERY irritated* then we at the most FANCIEST resturant i've EVER seen!! like those ones u see in movies!! it was AWSOME!! the food was GOOD..and REALLY expensive! it was called 3 forks ( III forks ) ANYWHO, so we took pictures and got free cameras and a mask! the extra food (that we DID decide to eat) were good! ummm we danced, sat, danced and laughed and all that fun stuff! post prom was cancelled so we went home after and we came home! yeP! i can't wait for next year when I'M a senior!

ummmm, yep im still working at sears in frisco so come and see me....i'm a cashier so look in all the dept. for me cuz im moved around alot! it sux! but looking into a fill in job at hot topic in frisco, and i have a group interview at 5 o'clock on weds! so i'm looking forward to that!

ummmmmm yeah i'm pretty much done here! i'll ATTEMPT to update more often!!k??

Later dayz!!
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