(no subject)

Apr 01, 2010 22:47

Dear Eric Kripke,


Also, actress-who-plays Mary Winchester, I am afraid I have lost all respect for you. Mary Winchester has never been shown as anything but a benevolent and occasionally beautifully badass force. Doing what you did in this episode is comparable to Amber Benson agreeing to appear on Buffy: the Vampire Slayer as The First! Except, you know, she didn't!! Because she didn't want to needlessly upset her fans! You, though? You have just cast everything Mary was ever shown to be into doubt. So thanks. Daily dose of sadism. Guess I was behind. I cannot respect you, or ever watch a scene with the character in it ever again.

And spending several episodes putting Castiel on a wild goose chase? Fuck you. Five, maybe. But ten? Or however many we're in? Not okay. You've wasted the character's time, and you've wasted ours'. Screwing with our minds to some degree is okay. But now? Now you're crossing into X-Files territory.

So you know, stop trying to break up Sam and Dean already! No, seriously - ENOUGH!! We had that whole song and dance in the first few episodes. And I hated it, but that scene at the end of The End? Beautiful and heartwarming, even more so because of all the separation crap?

But, now?

You had Dean throw away the amulet. There is no going back from that. I hope you knew that going in. There is no making that okay. Until you bring the amulet back, have Dean apologize for being a whiny jackass with his head up his butt, or do something that is more awesome and brotherly love worthy, I am done with this show. I am sick of being physically upset at the end of every episode. I. Am. Done. Fuck you, Kripke.

Are you setting Sam up to say "yes"? I mean, I'll hate this show even more if you are, but is that honestly what you're doing? Or are you actually trying to set Sam up as the bad guy? You never gave him a scene to explain himself! Those whole batch of episodes where Sam was not portrayed as the bad guy? I enjoyed those! Sam's life at that point was not happy!! You couldn't give him a scene to remind Dean that Dean wasn't the one he was leaving? He wasn't leaving Dean, he was leaving John and Dean just happened to be caught in the crossfire! And that's sad, and horrible, but enough already. We had this mindfucking with Dean two episodes ago. You're theme is crossing into Marti Noxon territory. I have bruises on my head from the anvils you keep droppiing on me!

Bringing Ash back was awesome. It was the best part of the episode. I didn't even need to see his face - I knew him by his mullet. And the hacker running Heaven? Visiting Albert Einstein? Wonderful. And I can totally believe he's fluent in Enochian. If there was one person who could bring some happiness to this endless slogfest of angst, it was Ash. But the needless suck that was the rest of this episode bookended the beauty that was our favorite geeky hacker. And the scene with Sam and Dean and the fireworks? I nearly cried. That is why I watch this show, you sadistic son of a bitch. Can you not get that?

Do the fans honestly matter to you?

And you made Pamela creepy. Thanks. Anyone old enough to be a proper acquaintence of Bobby is too old for Dean. And being okay with murder? Thanks. I really needed to see one of my favorite characters say this.

I know you're trying to make this an angsty, depressing show. But you need to actually give us a reason to watch it. You need to give us a reason to think this show is worth watching, instead of showing us nothing but hopeless, hopeless, hopeless. Hopeless does not keep viewers, Kripke!

At least, it didn't keep this one.

Fuck you, Kripke. I'm done.

supernatural, diediedie and die some more

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