WIP Meme!

Jul 05, 2011 12:22

* Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
* Upon request, I will post a random line or two from any of these you choose. Or if I don't have a line to post, I'll tell you about the story.

Because if I list them all, I might find it in me to get them all done.

So, in no particular order, original and non, my WIP includes

Illu and Encha
Angels Raise, Demons Call
Rooted in a Physiological Cause
The remaining two parts to "Castiel's First Times"
In the Blood, In the Mind
Kitsune-san, My Name Is...
Kitsune-san, One Hundred Ghosts
Kitsune-san, Nine Tales
Passions, Los Angeles
Passions, Not so Helpless
The Wedding
The Story of Cardinal Ruka
All I Have
The Tales of Sierra and her Four Middle School Minions
The Tales of Sierra and her Three Middle School Minions...now in High School!
Maid Cafe Murder
Traveling the World on a Single Black Sweater
My "Help Japan" fic (If you're reading this, Quinn, I swear to God I haven't forgotten you and I'm finally at 2500 words!)
The untitled story of Mathilda Logans
An untitled fanfic of Christina Anne

Well...okay, some of these haven't actually been started. They're just...going to be started in short order and will happen and are seriously planned. Seriously.

Feel free to ask me for a summary, or an excerpt. For most of these, I can provide both.

writings of the real kind, fic, memeage, creative endeavors - writing, creative endeavors - fic

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