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Apr 07, 2011 11:20

Dear every single protagonist of Eternal Sonata,

There is only one appropriate response when the villain, especially this villain, starts trying to give a combination Hannibal Lecture, Motive Rant, and The Reason You Suck Speech, while trying to claim that you and he are not so different in your actions and motives.

No, the appropriate response is not to try and explain to him the error of his ways. And its your own damn fault that the party is so huge and absolutely everybody wants to have their say, except Crescendo and Serenade, for reasons beyond my comprehension. I mean they're the rulers of the country we're basically serving, and they are the only two who didn't get to join in the speechifying.

No, the appropriate response to this particular villain in this particular dungeon in this particular game is three words. Three very simple words:

Shut up, Waltz!

I don't even care who says them. Everyone in the group has more than enough justification to take that initiative, from Polka to March. But one of you, one of you, should have stepped up and said this and cut the endless debating short. Why are you arguing with him? Why are you trying to prove yourselves to him? It has been years since I have seen such a black and white battle, such a good versus evil setup. And I'm not complaining - I always found the lack of moral dichotomy to be one of the most refreshing things about this game. But now, at the eleventh hour, when I am ready and raring to see Waltz suffer and die for the crimes he's done and the people he's hurt and the sheer, mind numbing evil he's aspiring to?

He's killing people. He wants to bring the world to its knees so that it will idealize him and adore him for all enternity. He turned his most loyal servant into the most powerful monster in the world. He tried to kidnap Polka, he caused Claves' death, you chased him into the land of the dead, why are you still talking?!

Much love and much frustration,


Oh, yeah, forgot. One more letter. This really needs to be said.

Dear Allegretto,

Why couldn't you have been this awesome during the rest of this game?

Still no love,


rants, grumbling, video games

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