Sera Gamble, so help me God, the 6.19 guest star is sacred. Don't you fucking dare kill her off for cheap shock value. If she dies just for the sake of the Worf Effect, so help me, I'll...
I'll write really vindictive fanfic, that's what.
And even then, I suck at fixer fic.
But, but she's dating a guy who plays a psychopath on TV! So, so don't mess with her. He has a very cutting wit. And Jim Beaver likes her, and so does his daughter. And you're already failing to provide sufficient eye candy for the lesbian/bisexual demographic (and such eye candy ~*swoons*~)
So there.
For the love of all that is good and holy, let us have a good female character last for more than an episode without being shoved in the nearest refrigerator to provide angst for the boys. Please, Santa, I've been really good this year!