This is incredibly long and you shouldn't read it if you don't really wanna know what goes through my head....
~Note to Marshall: There is a large part about you so fair warning, if you don't wanna know, DON"T READ~
Have you ever found yourself to be emotionally hypocritical? If
you haven't, pray you never are. It is probably the hardest thing
to go through. See, I tend to fall for people because of how they
look. I find someone i think is extremely cute and then i do
whatever i can to be friends with them. After i become friends
with them, i find them so cute and i have fallen for them so hard that
i refuse to find the bad things about them. So i fall head over
heals for them and slowly work my way up to telling them how i feel,
which is where my emotions become hypocritical. They usually have
no interest because they also are basing it on looks. So then i
sit in my room wishing that there was a way to get them to look
past the looks. So in essense, i am trying to get them to do what
i couldn't do from the beginning. If i could meet someone who
wasn't THAT into looks and really tried to look at my personality I
would be all set. There is only one case
in my life where i fell for someone i wasn't attracted to and that was
Marshall. To start, i didn't find him attractive but i did see
that he was a really great guy. So time went on and we talked a
lot on AIM. I think AIM helped because as long as he hasn't lied
about anything, (which I trust he hasn't), then i feel i've gotten to
know him very well. We have become really good friends. It
had initially been two or three weeks since we had met but i dind't
think twice about seeing him at the club because i wasn't interested in
him. For some reason though, when he walked through the door fo
the club, he looked soo adorable to me. I've never had that
before, the fact that was becoming more attractive to me as i got to
know him. it wasn't that he isn't cute or attractive to begin
with but originally his style was a turn off for me. So for
once in my life, i have finally found someone that i could totally see
myself with and it wasn't his looks that caught me at first. The
only problem is that he's not interested at all. He is also
caught up with looks but even though he won't say it, i know its my
size that is unattractive to him. i know that its my size that is
unattractive to a lot of people. Thats where the mind
fuck is. I went to the club (Club Marcella) a few weeks ago and
met the cutest person i have ver seen. The worst par is, he is
totally into heavier guys. this guy was amzingly beautiful.
He was muscular, tan, great face, amazing lips...and when i say he is
muscular, i mean solid stomach including the absolute 8 pack.
Well, anyway, i met him at the club and we talked for a bit and then
the "thong song" came on. Just instinctively, we both just kind
started dancing, which is when he started grinding with me and then
wrapped my arms around him. It was the most amazing thing thats
ever happened. I've never had someone that i thought was
amazingly hot --dance with me, let alone touch there body. I
could have sat there all night just touching his stomach and listening
to him talk. Then I talked to my friend Ryan about him and found
out how bad he was and that he just fucks them and leaves them.
HELLO MIND FUCK! I totally wanted to hook up with him cause he
was like the man of my dreams and he was into bigger guys. So i
tracked him down and found his screen name after talking to him.
So i talked to him a few times and he said i was TOO SKINNY!
WTF?!?!?! I can't win in life, its either i'm too fat
for someone or i'm too skinny. Why can't i find someone who likes
me for me. I guess i can't say too much tho cause the guys that
do like me, i can't see myself with them, which is horrible.
Like, i find my friend Ryan completely amazing to just talk to.
Hell, we walked around Ellicott like 4 times, just talking about
everything and anything...especially boys! We are like the same
person in the way we think and what we want but for some reason I'm not
attracted to him. Which i feel very douchey about because I have
no reason to not like him. I try to get past looks but yet i
still get caught up to a point. Its not that Ryan is ugly or
anything. Don't get me wrong, he's just not attractive to
ME. Yet everything about his personality is what i want in
someone. I'm so confused in my life. I don't even know what
Ryan thinks of me so i don't know why i'm even having thoughts like
this anyway. I guess by writing all this, I have
totally been able to really think about my life and what i've been
doing and I guess I just need to stop thinking way past where life is
now. When i meet someone, don't talk to them with the intent of
possibly dating them, don't think about what it would be like to date
them....just talk to my friends and if something comes of it, it will
come about. I can't push it anymore abecause maybe there is
someone out there that did like me but when i get all bottled up I
ambush people with my feelings and maybe scare them away. I don't
know. That is just me, and i need to change how i am before i can
expect other people to change how they are.
Ok, enough, my heart is empty, I've said my goes on!