Jul 15, 2008 18:32
A friend's post garnered a comment about profiteering bastards, and while I can't quite recall the punctuation around "white" or even if "collar" was in there or only in my defensive post-editing response, it all reminded me of a charming story.
Once I went down to 7-11 for some yogurt and Gatorade to quell what could only have been a bout of genetically-engineered, weaponized amoebic dysentery when the white clerk, wearing a typical collared shirt, palmed the quarter out of my change. I don't know where people look when getting change, but I was looking at my hand, whated him count it out, quarter last, then flip the quarter into his own hand, plop it onto a stack, and look busy. I sat there and looked at him, looked at his pile of trophy quarters (perhaps $1.50), and left, to chug my Gatorade and find a toilet closer than home. I can only wish my bowels had given me the time and patience to call 911 for the theft. I'd still be pissed, but he doesn't work there anymore. I do enjoy the fantasy of the 911 call, though. Honestly I'm not sure what I savor more, the thought of police involvement for his pathos, or the struggle with the police to get a response. Anyway, that's as close I've come to a white collared profiteering bastard of any stripe.