guesse whos back? back again ...

Dec 30, 2004 10:37

hi everyone

i got back yesterday from england. it was a lot of fun but rushed. i didnt get to see everyone but a few friends. ok so i am not going to tell you it in detail cause it would take to long so im doing it in short with pics...

the day we left...

* got a limo

* flight was short ( only 6 hours but a baby cried the whole 6 hours)

* arrived to rain

First day there...

* saw jenny and vanessa

* saw holly

* had fish and chips

* at night me and jess feel asleep due to jet lag and forgot to unlock door and locked parents out.

 me vanessa on the floor then jenny and jess  
holly and i   x-mas eve... * woke up really late * went to lunch with mum, sis, me, charles and his mum * got train back to hollys * went home had movie night with matt, josh, charles and sister  
 sister, mum, charles, his mum at lunch   x-mas day * got some presents * our family went to hollys for x-mas dinner * stayed late played games girls won!!!    
mine and holly's families  
holly, josh, me and jess   day after x-mas/ boxing day.... FOOTBALL!!!  
 come on bradford !!!!  
me, josh and matt   27th... i deleted these pics whoops but this day was amazing 6 hours of shopping in sales!!   28th... *went to the movies with friends * after walked to jenny and vanessa said good bye * danica drove me over to my dads friends and got to see claire, laure and matt for last time.  
 me, alice, nicola, sarah it was raining, we are walking to the movies  
 laura and matt  
me,matt, jess, claire, jess, and vanessa   then we came home the day after it was a really rough flight it was 8 hours on the way back. Nice to be back i saw marc yesterd which was great i have missed him soo much. bad news i have a cold, cough and a sore throat boooooo!!!!. ok leave me comments on ur xmas. x kirsty x
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