(♥) Lots of New Stuff since I last Posted.
My Twi-Obsession has finally come to an end-ish.
Bye Bye Twilight -- Hello, Harry Potter!
Of course other things as well! :D
I have finally started to post some textures on dA -- in a hope that I will be acknowledged for them *(fingers crossed)* and posted some more recent art - for one this new Harry Potter wallpaper:
Unfortunately, I tried to make an icon out of this - and in saving it, copied over the original. So its now the decreased size of 700px wide. That more than half :'(
Lol, I like my wallpapers BIIIG! :D
If you want to see more of my work - head over to my dA :)
~Rhia-Rose @ Deviant Art Lots of love
Rhia (♥)