First post and it's only... six (almost seven) months late!

Jul 25, 2007 05:49

Hehe.. Um. Don't friend me or anything. This journal is simply here so I can join communities and stalk people more easily.

I'm a big fanfiction reader, which will be most of the areas I latch onto. Really, reading is my most favorite hobby and what I do most often, on and off the computer. Otherwise, I'm very boring so you all should be glad I'm not planning on actually "journal"ing!

I'm sadly not much of a commenter though. I'm not "into" conversation either. I rarely continue correspondence, so please don't get too offended if I don't respond past three messages. I'm not good with English (or any other language either, don't go assuming English isn't my first, and only, language. I'm just bad at communicating is what I'm getting at).

As for fandom preferences, I read in lots. I watch lots of tv too, but that's mostly animal-related nature stuff (not all of it of course, I have many tastes from sci-fi shows to cartoons and anything else that might catch my fancy for an hour or so. I, uh, am much worse with movies or epics though, so there's stacks of dvds I've never gotten around to watching in my house). I read fanfiction whose source I'm not familiar with regularly. I'm not much into "reality tv", it makes me wince in pain and there's few areas I find enjoyable. I've begun to have to look away from reading potentially humiliating things, much less watch them. I do though. Well, sometimes I listen the first time 'round and watch the second time, after I know how it turns out and can properly brace myself.

For subject/theme, I read in loads and it's the author that's more important than the subject - there are some writers I would seriously read anything they wrote, no matter how kinky or freaky. I'm actually very malleable.

I do know what RPS is and I've no problem with it. For those who don't or doubt me, it stands for Real People Stories (that's right, right? lol, that's the general gist anyways, if not the exact terms). I don't read much of it usually, as I'm not too into bands, but with certain actors (or author or something) I'm quite willing to have a go at it.

Speaking of slash (not that I actually was, but I want to wrap this up already) - that's where my main interest lies, not that I don't read gen and het as well. For certain characters, I feel only an orgy can do them justice, so don't go thinking I'm particular! But, most of my reading is in the male/male pairings area. The areas I prefer female/male couples usually don't follow me into my fan-reading world.
Really, I'm up for any pairing if it is handled well. 
I don't need sex in my stories to enjoy them of course, it's just a bonus. There are even those stories you wish would just explore the theme and great idea first, before the bedclothes. Or even just ignore the bed, instead of adding it just to have a copy&paste scene.

Or maybe I'm just not "romantic" enough. I admit, that's a section of books I usually avoid like the plague. Then again, I don't read a lot of Westerns either, so maybe it's just my loss.

I'm not getting into any other themes or discussions here. I'm tired of typing. This is the end of the post.

Oh, yeah. Please accept me if I ask to join a community or 'friend' you to stalk. I won't be active but I promise not to "flame" or be a huge ass (on purpose) or whatever.

Thanks =)