Tap-dancing over a giant blender...

Oct 06, 2008 13:31

...would be a good description of my perspective right now.  When school started last week, I was expecting a few reading assignments, a few neat little homework problems to kind of get the ball rolling, you know?  Instead I get plastered with TOUGH AS HELL Environmental Engineering crap, and lenghty Strength of Materials marathons including one problem which covered 3 pages of calculations and substitutions (doesn't help that the questions are horribly worded.  In a $170 book.).  The first two assignments I handed in today each covered 10 pages of work, easily.  I feel a bit like a lone soldier, bravely crawling forward and determined to raise the flag one last time before expiring.  But I'd be fibbing if I didn't say that I enjoyed it a bit.  The focus, the concentration, the purposeful mindset necessary to get through just one...more...question.  Or maybe I've just been in school a bit too long
    Anyway, my two cents' worth for the day.  Oh, and for those who care, I have an account at Photobucket now, under hiberna_rex.  Just a few pictures thus far, but I'm intending to add more.  Hope life is being good to the rest of y'all.  Peace!
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