because i feel like stating the obvious, it's fscking hot. my van kinda doesn't have a working AC, so i pretty much wanna kill myself all day, everyday. but it's the van, so either way, i love it. my dad is trying to surprise me and buy me a new car but it's hella not working bc he's pretty bad at hiding it... cutie.
anywho, it's hot. yday was another wedding and it was hot. but man, <3 pakistani weddings. i love being brown. i also love having a hella messy room (sarcasm) that i have yet to clean. but most of all, i love the beach that i have yet to go this summer so let's goooooooooo!
myspace isn't working (omg f my life) and i've been playing pacman and i forgot how it's the coolest gave evar.
i swear i planned to have some meaning to this entry, but i guess i don't.
ps. totally bummed that i missed out on kathleen's porn star themed party. hahahah.. out of place much? i think sooooo.
oh and because i have nothing better to do, today i figured out how i want my life to play out. err, if i could control it. which really, is so pointless but that's okay because i was bored.
so! i want to be a cute little dentist, who owns my own clinic. so that i can be flexible with hours and make time for my four kids.(am i seriously doing this?) three boys, and one girl. although that may be a bit much on the testosterone level, but i'll deal. i have yet to think of a name of my clinic. hecka wanted it to be GENTLE DENTAL, but some jerk already used that one. and my husband is going to be a cop. not really, i still need to figure out his job too. i'd say doctor or lawyer, but then i'd come off as cliche and a goldigger. haha but im not one to lie, so yeah... he'll be a doctor or lawyer. well, a neurologist. cooooool. and we'll live in a cute little waterfront home in foster city. much like this:
but that's not practical, so whatevs. and me and my husband are going to love to travel so every winter we're gona take time off to go places. yeeeeeeeeeeee. i am laaaaame. and i'm done.
gooooooooood night